Tuesday Coffee Talk
I'm back!! My foot surgery went great yesterday. I had a local mac sedation so I was in lala land really short time. Lucy called and I answered * I remembered" and I told her I fel pretty good actually. she said "youre' on pain meds" but I really was't. LOL Ya'l prayed and God helped me.. The only thing was the ride home. I couldn't wait to get in my bed! I have spletp good. To top it all off, I got to talk to my sweet baby before she went to bed. I'm telling you guys, I LOVE LUCY and I don't care who knows it!!! Just a few more days baby!!! These arms will hold ya!
OK....moving on to our challenge for today. I want you to look deep in side of you, yest "YOU". What do you see? Is there a part of you that you don't like? Maybe you say I don't need to change. Did you know that 90% of all who need a change in thier lives deny they need not make a change? Most of us need a change. We want to blame anyone and everyone we can when something is right or something doesn't go our way. God bless my daddy's soul, this was one of his vices. Nothing was ever wrong in his life. He finally begin to realize it later in life. If it is allwasy those around us who need changing, maybe we should take a good long look in the mirror. Like what you see? The inside you beyond the surface. Well, if not, only you can change that. ONLY YOU!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I am enjoying some well the last Cinamon Crumb Cake Coffe. Sure was good too. I'll be visiting Door County Coffee" online! Love you all! and have a great self reflecting day!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
![coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper](http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y188/jrcpepper/th_coffeefirst.jpg)
![coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper](http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y188/jrcpepper/th_coffeefirst.jpg)