Anyone in Brooklyn, NY able to recommend a gym?
hey alexx. i live in bed-stuy, and i belong to my local Y. it's great because no one there stares, and the personnel is so helpful. they give you a tour of the facilities - our y has EVERYTHING. tai chi classes, water aerobics, a pool, a sauna and a steam room. at first i was too shy to take off my regular hide-my-body clothes, but once i started to know where everything was and feel like i could be myself there, it was great. they probably have a personal trainer there as well, so ask at the front desk. i HIGHLY recommend it, much more than any other place where you'd have to fight for mirror time with all the skinnies (you know what i mean).
you could also try just walking around the block. i do that too. i have a little doggie named sacha, and we walk everywhere.
as long as you're moving, you'll feel less guilty, and it'll keep your mind off u-know-who.
take it a day at a time, and stay blessed.
write me if you need anything else!