I'm home!
I just got home about 20 mintues ago. It wasnt too bad. The first day I got there about 12:15 and was told my surgery wasnt scheduled until 2:30. At 1:15 they came in and said they were now ready for me. I got back to my room about 5:30. My blood pressure and my heart rate were very high. I pretty much slept that whole night into morning. Only waking when I had to walk which I was doing by 9:00 and getting vitals done. My mom stayed with me. We walked a few times throughout the night. The next morning I woke up and felt pretty good and was getting out of bed every hour and doing do 2 loops at a time. Doctor Hill came in and said I was doing good and took out IV and catheter. Around 2-3 my back started hurting really bad and the top of my stomach all the way across was sore. Suffered through that for about 6 hours with nurses telling me it was just gas. My pressure was still high and so was my heart rate and my fever was going up. I was put on the heart monitor. Around 10:30 the nurse came in and said the doctor was coming in to see me. He came in and rushed me down for a cat scan thinking that I had a leak. Thankfully nothing came of the scan. I had the start of pneumonia and was put back on antibiotics and iv fluids again. No more water again. Dr. Hill came in Thursday morning and put me on another antibiotic and gave me back water and clear fluids. I felt better by morning after having the antibiotics. I also did alot of walking that night. Around 6 that night my stomach started to spasm where the drain was. That was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. I called the nurse and was told that was normal until I started passing gas. So more drinking and walking. Around 2:30 that night it came back but walking took care of it again. At 6a.m. I wasnt so lucky. It started and no walking, sitting or laying down took care of the pain. It brought tears to my eyes. The nurse finally came about 9 with some morphine and never even touched the pain. The doctor came in about 10 and gave me a muscle relaxer and it was like heaven. The pain was gone in 10 minutes. I felt great after that. My pressure finally started coming down and all my vital signs were good. I came home this morning and feel really good but know that I have to nap, sip and walk. My pain wasnt too bad except for the muscle spasms. Glad to be home though.