Is it normal for my bowel to be like liquid blood?
I called my docs secretary n she told if im to freaked out to go it... But maybe its just a normal thing and im just freaking out like i do over everything... Im. just gonna give it a comple of hours if it occurs again then ill go?
Idk if this is my bossy trying to clean itself up or something cuz i know taht after my surgery i used the bathroom like that twice... so well idk?
IM worried a bit
GAssy Cassy
You need to go -- the sooner, the better. I haven't had surgery yet. But I don't remember anyone saying anything about just blood coming out. I have heard maybe a little dried blood. But this sounds like real bleeding. Get it checked. If it's nothing, then great -- no harm done. If it's something, they can fix it before it gets real bad. Go, okay?
Ok you had your surgery Sept 19, since then you have had fevers, pain, numbness and finally bleeding. I am assuming the bleeding is not just a drop on a tissue (like hemorroids might be).The bleeding is what they call 'frank' blood in stool. All of these things add up to getting to your doctors office ASAP! You had major surgery, bleeding after it is EXTREMELY dangerous. I am an RN It is my advise to seek an examination from a doctor now. Hope eveything is OK for you.