Protein Drinks
Hi Christine, The protein shakes for now are just supplements to help you get the protein in. Once you're able to eat 3 solid meals and get in the grams of protein recommended by your nutritionist, then the shakes are no more. I guess if you have a day where you're low on protein a shake can be added. Once we get in the groove/pattern with what to eat and how much etc. if you feel comfortable substitution a meal for the protein shake I guess it would be ok. I'd rather have the food over a drink. Right now I'm doing 2 shakes and the 3 meals. I have my post op dr appt on Wednesday so I'll make an appt with the Nutritionist to go over the eating and see what she says/recommends. How are you feeling? back to work? Jessica
Hi Jessica, Welcome Home and welcome to the losers bench. I'm actually doing ok with work. I thought that I'd start back with 1/2 days for the first wk back but it didn't work like that & I work a regular 40 hr wk w/o any real problems. I was abit tired at the end of the nite but not too bad. How are you doing?