Body Image...and self image...before and after...
Heather (and ladies), I have to say your feelings are my feelings. I knew I was always a "big" girl but as I didn't own a scale and rarely looked in mirrors that showed by body below the neck, I was so surprised to see myself recently in a picture from when I was in Montauk for the july 4th weekend. Who is that fat girl? I had by surgery on Tuesday and wonder what I'll look like and who i'll be when I lose all this weight. It's not a matter of if, I am very optimistic and will lose it. I haven't been below 180lbs since high school so I do not even know how it is to be thin and how I will feel etc. I guess a lot of what you're feeling I'm feeling too. My wls profile is entitled - Will the real Jessica please stand up? It's going to be a wonderful journey losing the weight and finding out who this person is but I have to be honest, some days I'm scared. It's almost like there's a little girl locked in this closet for 42 years. She's never loved herself, she's never even liked herself. I agree with the counseling. I'm going to see if Anna (the Nurse Practiioner from Mercy Hospital) can refer some me to some body. I willl need to talk to someone. I will make a major effort to attend the WLS support meetings and between the 2 I will get to a happier as well as a healthier place. My sister came over today and she hasn't seen me since the surgery and I guess she was expecting to see me sickly or something 'cause she looked at me and she said you look normal, no wait you look better than normal and I took that as a compliment. Ok I'll stop rambling on your post. I want you to know I'll be thinking of you Heather as we all make this trip together. Let me know when you get your date. Jessica