what kind of pre op testing is done??/
Pre-op testing is usually done shortly before your scheduled surgery date. It is done at the hospital and usually includes bloodwork, a chest x-ray, an EKG and a physical. My surgeon also requires a mandatory patient education class (each surgeon is different).
After pre-op testing, most surgeons also require medical clearance from your primary care physician. Your PCP reviews all of your pre-op testing. This clearance usually must be done within a week of your surgery.
Hope this helps! Good luck !
I think it must depend a whole lot on your medical history and co-morbidities. I imagine that if you have family history of some things, or a very high BMI, or a chronic condition, then the pre-op tests will vary quite a bit.
For me, I had a fairly "low" BMI (for a morbidly obese person) of 43, my only co-morbidity was high cholesterol, and I have a fairly clean family history. They made me have a sleep study to check for apnea and diagnosed me as having "borderline" apnea. Other than that, I just had to have blood work and an ultrasound of my gall bladder, pancreas, and liver.
I know other people had to have EKG's and endocsopic views done. I didn't have to have those.
I had my blood drawn two different times, once prior to submittal to insurance, and then again last week for my pre-ops. My surgery is tomorrow and I only have to do this one day of liquids and no bowel prep....yay!!!