Empire Nutritionist Evaluation
Hi all..............you have been great with the information and help. I have hit yet another pot hole on my way. Out of all the repeated phone calls to Empire no one had ever said anything about a nutritionist evaluation but was told today that it has been on hold since June 26th pending a nutrionist evaluation. Has anyone else had to do this? And also what kind of things are they looking for from the nutritionist. I will be calling tomorrow to try and get a appt ASAP. Hope all goes ok. Thanks again all for always lending your words of wisdom.
Not all Empire BC/BS plans require the diet. I am submitting though 10 years of weight loss attempts. Their medical policy for Surgery for Obesity can be found under "Providers" at www.empireblue.com.
I believe all plans require a nutrion evaluation. I have to say that in my opiion the nurtionionist that you find is key in your success espically initially post op. This is not just a surgery but a complete lifestyle change for us. ITs nice to have someone to call when we are not sure what we should or should not be eating Unfortunatly the surgeon does the physical part of this change but are too busy to keep calling people back to say yes or no to certain foods. They will be inportant for any surgery related issues or complications however your nutrionist will become like a friend if you find the right one.
Best of luck to you