I'm having trouble constantly TALKING and HEARING compliments/inquisitions by the SAME people day in and day out. Once the compliment is made, why can't they just move past it? Yes, I've lost 95 lbs but I lie and say only 60-65 because TODAY the same person (Fran) who has noticed and mentioned my weight loss a million times each time I see her in the elevator at work finally inquired with me today after I TOLD her that I'm eating less and moving more (diet) since last labor day and she still had the f*cking nerve to ask me IF HAD "THAT" WEIGHT SURGERY!!!!!!!!!!! I nearly took her down int he elevator and bit her head off, found myself LYING to her about it because, quite frankly, I don't feel it's anyone's GD business!! And I'm so tired of the inquisition from her. Enough already!! For the longest time even though I was losing the weight I was still wearing my old clothes. I am not made of money so had to make do. Finally, when the tax return came, I splurged and started to by tighter sizes and NOW people notice. I've plateau'd about 2 months ago and can't seem to move on the scale, yet each time I see people you would think I lost another 95 lbs. I feel I am losing inches, not weight but I'm so sick and tired already of feeling called upon to EXPLAIN my weight loss. NONE of these people gave a sh*t about me before when I weighed over 300 lbs now everyone's in my face about it and I wish I could just find another job and start over, but this has been my Achilles heel for the last 5 years since Sept 11. No good jobs, and no promotions/upgrades where I am now. This issue seeems to be eating me today and I need support from other WLS people who CHOOSE to keep the surgery quiet. What really ticked me off after I lied to her about the surgery, is that she then went on to say "good for you that you are doing this ON YOUR OWN"....HELLO??? EVEn with WLS I am doing this ON MY OWN!!! humph!!! argh!~!!! Help before I explode and eat a twinkie over this.....HELP!! (ha ha) I'm trying to find my sense of humor now.