Honored, Flattered, Proud!
Hi Jess,
Was this your 2nd appointment with Dr. Garber? I'm guessing it was being you have a date. Congratulations on that!! Soon you'll be a big loser too. I'll dust off a seat for you next to me....Karen B is on one side; you can have the other. My sister Lisa L can sit on my lap! She's having her surgery with Dr. Holover (she didn't get a date yet). Dr. Garber was not in her plan.
Keep us updated!
Hi Dale,
Oh...we will ABSOLUTELY post reminders about the meeting.
Thanks for your kind words. It's a greta thing for me...it will help to keep me on track. I never want to regain weight and now that there is a commercial documenting my progress...I'm even more motivated to my continued success.
Ok ...the ticker:
After it's generated...you will see many options in coding. One option says the following:
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
That is the version of code you need for this website. HIGHLIGHT the code in the box. It will start with something like < a href.....
Paste that code into your profile.
Save changes and refresh your browser. That should do it! Let me know if you need more help.
Karen, I am sooo doggone excited for you! How fun that must have been!!! Wowsa! I have your profile open in another window, off to go see those photos. I know I will be totally inspired! Hey, I just had a thought, can you you-tube the commercial (assuming they give you a video of it or something similar)? We don't get cable out here in the sticks, rely mostly on netflix for our entertainment, but it would be sooo awesome to have your commercial on the site!
Hi Jane,
Thanks! I am going to try to get a copy from the producer because I have family outside NY State and I don't think it will air there. I know it will air during "Big Medicine" on TLC but....I'm guessing that the commercials are regional meaning those in Florida see different commercials than those in NY.
When and if I get it, I'll let you know! Yes, I'd love to have it on my site!
No cable TV? What about Cable Modem? How do you connect to the internet? DSL? Dial-up?
Congrats once again on getting a date!