on 5/10/07 11:29 pm - Long Island, NY
Hi All! What's everyone going to do this weekend? On SATURDAY, pending the weather, I would love to drive to Long Beach with my husband and just walk the boardwalk and take it nice and easy. It is something we rarely get to do and I just love it. Maybe we'll have a little picnic and such. I can take out my measly LF string cheese and water and hubby can have a nice big sandwich and a diet soda. LOL - only kidding! On MOTHER'S DAY, we'll have a B-BQ with the kids.(I mean young adults !) That's when I get my annual plants for the garden...but I'm still supposed to act surprised! All in all, I'm really looking foward to this weekend. How about you?????????? Take Care And I'll Talk To You All Later.~~~~
on 5/11/07 2:31 am - Hamilton, NY
Hey, Penny, sounds like a great weekend! I have a booth at the local farmer's market, selling jewelry. My dad and friend will be helping me set up tomorrow, since I'm not supposed to lift more than 10 lbs. Hoping to have a good day there. Sunday, will be a nice quiet day. My son went back to college today. Finals next week coming up. My dad came to take him back, since his g/f has their car. Was nice to have my dad say he can see I've lost weight already! I'll try to figure out whether I want to pay attn to my d/c papers and call in Monday to let my boss know I can't come in until Friday the 18th after the doc sees me! I am pretty sure I want to behave and stay home. I would hate for something to happen and have the insurance company tell me too bad, I wasn't supposed to be there. So, long story will be a quiet weekend of protein, broth and jello!
on 5/11/07 3:11 am - Long Island, NY
***That DOES sound nice. Do you make your own jewelry? I used to sell at fairs also and really enjoyed it. ***Sorry that your son has to miss Mother's day, but I bet that you got all your hugging in this past week. ***If you can swing it, I think that you are wise not going back too soon. Your still so fresh out of surgery and though you don't feel like it - to rest up a little. Talk to you soon~~
on 5/12/07 9:13 pm - Hamilton, NY
Yes, I make semi-precious gemstone jewelry. LOTS of it. LOL Staying out of the office all next week! I deserve it! Thanks for your continued support
on 5/11/07 6:27 am - IN
Saturday, our town has their annual yard sale days, so I'm going to try and covince DH to take DS(14) bike hunting. The kidster has me going in 25 directions between his playing baseball, ump-ing little league, and odd jobs and friends' houses. He needs to get a bike! Then I will be doing to prom up-do's in the later morning. Then...DD has baseball photos and her first game. Hope to crash a little in the afternoon. We will be going to church and then out to dinner on Sunday. No buffet's for this chic, just a nice, quiet (is that even possible with 3 kids?) sit-down dinner. I looked up Hamilton on the map, Cheri, thinking it would be fun to drive to a farmer's market Sunday afternoon, but you are quite a hike from us. One of these days though, that would be really fun!
on 5/11/07 7:01 am - Long Island, NY
Hey Penny my surgeons group is hosting a bariatric walk tomorrow on the long beach board walk .... maybe we'll see you there! hugs, Britt
on 5/11/07 8:37 am - Long Island, NY
Wouldn't that be funny Britt if I ran into you? That would make it 2x in a week that I see you if you go to Panera's next week. Take Care~~
on 5/11/07 10:01 am - Long Island, NY
I'm going to miss that Panera meeting I forgot Hunny and I made plans to go out with friends that evening. hugs, Britt
Jackie W.
on 5/11/07 10:50 am - Williamsville, NY
Just curious-- I love Panera but I'm only 3 weeks out so I haven't been there-- what can you order- what works??? Jackie
(deactivated member)
on 5/11/07 10:04 pm - Boca Raton, FL
Not much LOL DeCaf coffee/tea? Maybe soup? At 3 weeks out, restaurants are basically useless!! Hugs and good luck, Karen
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