Next Step?

on 5/2/07 11:41 pm - Syracuse, NY
Hi, I'm in Syracuse and I sent my paperwork in to Dr. Simmon's office 2 weeks ago and they say they will be sending me an appointment time in the mail. I'm getting so antsy. I was wondering if I should call today to see if I can at least go to the information meeting and get that out of the way. Did anyone go to Dr. Simmon at Upstate and know the procedure. Should I just wait to hear from them? Thanks for any thoughts. Heather
on 5/3/07 12:28 am - Apalachin, NY
Heather I did not go to him but you can call and just confirm they got the paper work for peace of mind! (((HUGS)))
on 5/3/07 3:10 am - Long Island, NY
Definitely call them. It is not unusual for papers to get mixed up in the shuffle. Good Luck!
on 5/3/07 7:03 am - Syracuse, NY
Hi, I called. The person answering the phone didn't know anything about a seminar (I know they used to do one, cause I went in 2004). He said 2 or 3 people meet with the staff at a time, then an individual consult with surgeon and it's just part of your appointment. Must have changed things. He said there are about 20 people in the pile ahead of me and it will be about 2-3 weeks before I get my appointment. I guess I just need to be patient. Thanks for your responses!! Cheers!
on 5/3/07 8:54 am - Hamilton, NY
Hey Heather! He's my doc!!! WOOWOO Howard! He's doing my surgery next Tuesday!!!! They'll call ya, but if you feel better, they don't care if you call them either!!! The staff is very friendly. Ask questions tho', they get so busy, sometimes they omit telling you things you should know. ~Cheri
on 5/3/07 10:26 pm - Syracuse, NY
Wow! Next Tuesday! How exciting. I'll say an extra prayer for you on Tuesday. I'm really glad I found the NY's good to know people who are going through the same thing...especially with the same doc!! I'll have to get a list of questions together...and figure out what I should know that I don't know I don't know (tee hee). That's another thing that's good about the board...I'm learning so much! Thanks for the tip!
Nicole B.
on 5/3/07 9:19 am - Cheektowaga, NY
I didn't go to him but I would still doesn't hurt and they know were anxious to start the journey. Good luck! Nicole
on 5/3/07 9:59 am - Solvay, NY
I had Dr. Cunningham, just call and talk to Marcy, she's the NP. She's really really nice and she'll direct you to the time and place of the "SUPPORT GROUP". YEah you have to goto 2 support group meetings so get them out of the way. Also if you want to be proactive make your Sci eval appointment also. Those can take up to 6 months to get in for.
on 5/3/07 10:37 pm - Syracuse, NY
Thanks! It's fun to know people who have been to the same doc...and reassuring to see how great you're doing!
Kathy C
on 5/3/07 8:46 pm
Hi Heather!! Im with the same group and have Dr Kim. Id give the office a call and see what they say. They are very busy. I think usually it takes anywhere from 3-6 months from the 1st apt to have you're surgery (depending on ins requirements). You have to be patient..........its hard when we want this NOW LOL!! I attend the Thursday night support group in Liverpool. Its a great group! I wish you all the best, Dr Simon is great!!
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