new to this forum
Welcome to the forum. My best advice is to find a support group to attend, i know there are some out there where you are...there are long islanders on here and maybe they can direct you more. Try to keep good foods handy for when you really need to eat. I always keep strawberries around and if i really have to eat and eat, i over eat on strawberries or soemting good for me. Big difference eating a pound of strawberries then eating a pound of chips! Try to find good support. Maybe even therapy...I havent been to a therapist in a long time but I am going to find one again that deals wtih food issues to make sure i stay on track. Also load up on protien first always, its more filling and its what our bodies need. In between meals drink , sometimes we confuse our thirst for hunger. Best of luck to you.
Hi Terri, not sure what part of the Island you are from but if you are close to South Naussa Hosp. in Oceanside, they have a support group that meets the First Tuesday of each month unless theres a holiday. for April its April 10, May1, June 5 etc. Just go there and ask the info desk about the Bariatric Support Group.
Did you already have the surgery? or are you doing the per dieting?
Take care Tricia
My hubby and I go to the Brookhaven Surgical solutions support meetings.they are on the last tuesday of every month.and I find them very helpful.I am watching what I eat and making sure I eat my protien first.some days are good some days not so fab.but I'm trying and thats whats important. thanks for the support