Hi, I'm 4 months post op now and lost 75 lbs so far. I did eat progresso chickerina soup and other soups, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt. I would puree tuna salad or chicken salad I also made turkey meatballs and cooked them in tomato sauce so they were soft. Its hard at the begining. I know after a while I got sick of everything. Good luck
I lived on homemade chicken soup. I used root vegetables soup starter and boulion cube. I also ate lentil soup but that might be gassy for you. You should try a peanut butter smoothie. Half cup of skim one to two spoons of PB and a half of bannana and 1/2 scoop of GNC Whey protein. You can also do DOle frozen strawberries and banana for a different taste. GNC makes them too at the smoothie bar. It's $4.50. I try hard to make them myself to save money.