Hopefully I'll feel better soon
I called Friday to talk to the surgeon about not being able to eat or take my pills. He was still out of town, but his nurse is having me come in Monday, and she said he'd probably do the EGD Tuesday. I'm so tired and dizzy, I can't wait til Monday to get here, actually Tuesday so hopefully I'll be able to eat something and take my pills before I get too sick. I've gotten in 24 oz of water in so far today, I keep trying. Now, with a stricture, would that make your stomach upset too..or maybe it'd be upset because of the lack of any food?
I had a stricture develop about 5 weeks or so out from surgery. With me, I couldn't keep anything down and I was hospitalized for dehydration. So I am glad that you have gotten in the water that you have. I also can tell you that I had immedate relief following the endoscopy. They check the opening and immediately stretch it if necessary.
So the stomach upset can be from the stricture, possibly from lack of food, and if you are vomiting, from that, too.
I'm glad that they are getting it done quickly.
Good luck to you,