Going to a seminar at Ellis on May 17
Hi Tom,
I went to my info meeting at Ellis on 3/22. I found out today that my first appt. with the nurse/surgeon is 5/10. I'm not sure how long after that surgery is scheduled, but there is a required liquid diet for 4-5 weeks before it.
As far as the seminar, we were told to be there at 9:30, and the doctor arrived and began at 10:00. We were done by a little before noon, but our group (of probably 30-40 patients) asked a zillion questions. They give you a folder with some forms to fill out - keeps you busy before the doctor begins. Make sure you have your ins. card with you. There are a couple of papers you leave with them after you fill them out. There is coffee and water there for you. The doctor speaks first and then answers questions - very patient I might add. THen someone from Sunnyview talks about exercise, and then the nutritionist speaks. It ran very smoothly, and was highly informative.
Good luck to you. I hope you find it as interesting as I did!!