Dark Urine??????
Hi Cindy,
I wonder if it's not a little bit of irritation from when the catheter was in.
My urine is a little darker too, but I chalk it up to the multivits, calcium ect...
If you have discomfort in the abdominal area, then I would call your Doc.
Isn't it common for a lot of people to get a UTI after a catheter? Keep an eye on it.
Yeah, I told my hubby and he said the same thing that Amy & LisaMarie said... it's probably dehydration and he wants me to drink. I haven't drank at all cause I'm not thirsty.... so I'm drinking some Crystal Light as I'm typing this.... Actually sipping it.
No discomfort in the tummy area or anything -- just a little heartburn but nothing too crazy! My hubby bought me sugar free Tums since it's got calcium in it too.