Insurance Denied me
I knew my ins was going to deny me, lol I might appeal....but we were already figuring the LAPBAND out of pocket. Does anyone know the appeal process? How it works? How long does it take? I am just ready to go for it. I would love to have it done by Summer as my 7 kids will be home and I can be ready for them, lol I have Blue Cross Blue Sheild of FL...through my hubby's work. BUT we live in NY. Any advise?
Wow, I'm so sorry that your ins deied you. This is one of my fears as well. I just got my date and the doc office just started working on the paper work with the ins company. I have GHI. Did they say why they denied you? I'm concerned that I have no other health issues other than being over weight. How bout you? I have heard of ppl appealing it though. Did you have your primary care physician backing you?