liquid multivitamin
Does anyone know where I can get a good liquid multivitamin? My biggest challenge now is getting down a multivitamin, I gag on even half of one and have to drink so much water to get it down my pouch gets filled up and then I am in pain for about a half an hour. And to add more to it, I just re-read my post-op instructions from the doc for the first two weeks I am home and I am supposed to be taking TWO multivitamins!!! I have done a little investigating online just know to see if I could find anything, but after my first dump last week after a chewable flinestone vitamin, I am afraid to try something else unless someone has been my guinea pig!!
I had surgrey on MARCH 14TH and was home by Saturday my husband found a chewable multivitiamin that seems to go down ok the flinstones were just completely nasty they are from viativ and they are choclate chews i let them disolve in my mouth.they also have it in calcium. i figure ill use these until im able to swallow pills again.i hope all goes good for you