10 days post op please help.....
Hi everyone, I had lap bypass, and i know that you may not see results yet but i am thinking.....wow! what if i am the one it doesnt work for i mean i can drink 8oz of liq. in only 20-24 min...and I went home on soft foods ...which my nutr. told me the other day was correct....but I gues i am tired of being so huge...and water much less time....like what does that mean....i have a follow up on this tues....i cant wait so i can nag my surgen..can anyone give me a tid bit of advise
hi M. , i am feelin the same way that i will be the one this does not work for.i had a scrambed egg today. not bad. but last night i felt i needed ti chew on something so i had a couple crackers. and i had no problems so it will be me thats the failure.. i go bak to the doc on thursday. good luck at that appt. and tell me how it goes. chin up and good vibes being sent your way...sue
You need to relax a bit and let the process work, you are only 10 days out that's not a whole lot of time. Did you get morbidly obese in 10 days? Are you doing your walking and getting in all of your fluids, dont' concern yourself with what you can do in what amount of time, the pouch doesn't stretch from liquids, they pass right through you. You can nag the surgeon all you want, he can't make you lose weight any faster then you have the power to do. Remember, YOU have the power to make good choices, you have the power and the options to exercise it's all on YOU now he did his job now you do yours. ANDI
I am not trying to be mean so please do not take this the wrong way but this is your honey moon stage and this is the time to change every bad habit that you have like the the water is awesome to drink but you are still suppose to be sipping and getting it all down in a day. I wish some one would have been this blunt with me. I am 3 years post op and everyone just praised me about my weight lose and how good I looked did not say do the right thing and it will get easier when you are 3 years out I am fighting 15 pounds and it is just as hard as it was when I weighed 310. IF you are doing everything your nutr. told you to do than hey you are in great shape because the weight will come off so fast you will think sleep makes it fall off because all of a sudden you will wake up 3-4 pounds lighter that is the best feeling in the world but it will get harder. Be patient it will happen for you it has no choice but to happen. Just PLEASE PLEASE change bad habits NOW because you have the extra will power to change and when it is gone it's gone. I promised myself never to fight my weight again when I had this I told my self I would never get off track and I did. If I can help one person to tell them that they need to get right at the beginining I will feel good. I wish you luck and I hope you do not take this as a slam I just have many people that I know are fighting to to survive there weight lose and get bigger and are not winning the battle. I will not fail I made this promise to myself I hope if you need any post operative advice you ask.