3.5 days post opp many concerns

on 3/10/07 5:22 am - NY, NY
ok i am 3.5 days post op. i keep having the feeling that i am gonna mess up. First of between today and yesterday i drank one whole bottle of vitamin water which has like 19 g sugar i didnt realize that. I also didnt get sick so what does that meant. From now on i am just fgoing to stick with plain water and occasional crysal light. Also i drank my protein shake today but it was like 12-16 oz and i was able to drink most of it.......what does that mean am i like streched already.......i only drank it because thats what i was told to drink but is not that alot alot it took me like 20 min.....i took it instead of lunch because i was full afterword.i am gonna call my nutritionest on Monday i am just worried that i am gonna do something wrong ..i am not overeating i ate 1 egg for breakfast for the first and i held that down and only the shake for lunch and water in between...........can someone please give me advise............ hill
(deactivated member)
on 3/10/07 8:07 am - Boca Raton, FL
Hiya, First: deep breaths....calm down! I recall the first few days home; I questioned everything I took in..but my Nutritionist had given me explicit printed instructions. Did your Nut. give you instructions? I went home on soft solids like eggs...and I could eat 1/4 cup of eggbeaters from day 1, which I think = 1 egg. The main thing is this: make sure the meal is eaten slowly; my Nut said 1/2 hour per meal, be it an egg or cottage cheese or the Bariatric oatmeal. 12-16 ounces of liquid will not stretch the pouch because it is a liquid...but, once again, sip, sip sip, slowly, slowly, slowly. You must get all your protein in and all the water as well so fear not about the number of ounces as long as you sip. And, yes, it will make you full which is why I remember it being so hard to get all the required ounces in. Call your Nut on Monday. For me, stressing is a disaster. I have learned that when I am stressed/tense, my food tends to "regift", even moreso now at 6 months out. It contracts the muscles and nothing wants to go down smoothly. Make up a chart (I did this). Write down the number of ounces you drink as you drink them. Make sure you get all your protein in. I recall eating solids every 4 hours and every 2 hours having a protein drink. (example: 9am egg, 11am protein drink, 1pm food, 3pm protein drink, 5pm food, 7pm protein drink) so i had 3 meals with 3 protein supplements. The schedule helped me to stay calm because there was order to the madness LOL. Oh and YES, I was given pills to take whole OR crushed...i took them whole but they were small. My surgeon had said: NO bigger than an M&M can be taken whole, and now at 6 months I never crush anything. I hope this helped, even a little. Hugs, Karen
on 3/10/07 9:39 pm - NY, NY
thank you so much for your advise!!!!you real encoouraged and helped me. I will still call my nut in the am but iam gonna try your sched.i think i may be able to follow that........and you said that you are six months post op.............how do you feel? how much did you loose? what surg? did you have?........... myah
on 3/10/07 10:04 pm - UPSTATE, NY
Hi! Not sure what you postop nutrition plan is, they all differ, in my program we are on liquids 15 days (no solids) so I can not say if it is typical or expected to eat an egg. Eggs can be a complex and difficult protein to digest for many but some have no issues. Remember dumping syndrome is NOT a guarentee w/ this surgery less than 50% get it! You are wise to not test that again, also further out u get or more you desensitize thenew gut arrangements to sugar the less u will have an issue with usually. 19g is probably double the recommendation per serving of sugar, but different things effect us differently and quantity matters too. how long did it take you to drink the shake? The protein water? eat the egg? Many do not have issues w/ resriction and fluids early postop I didnt and could drink wuite a bit shortly postop much more than most my peers, so I wouldnt worry about that. I may lay off food for a few weeks though or limit to yogurts cottage cheeses etc. If you have to choose between fluid and food this stage go with fluid dehydration can be serious, shoot for 64 oz water, decaf herbal teas, protein shakes, broths, crystal light etc. Follow the advice of your plan and if issues arise call them! That is what they are there for! Hugs! Jamie 100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY 320(preop)/163 (lowest)/174 (current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery) Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King www.albanyplasticsurgeons.com http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/jamiecatlady5/ "Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
on 3/11/07 11:09 am - syracuse, NY
M. , calm down. no big deal. i had mine on 3/5. i was given specific instuctions on what and how much i can have broken down by weeks. just call in the am and see what they say.i'm up to 4 oz protein shakes and 64 oz water until tues. then woohoo . i get some mushie stuff. keep in touch. .....sue ....
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