Need Help3 days post op.......questions
Hi, I am three days post op and my surg. gave me a prescrip. of pills to take but they are to be swollewd they are not chevable at all. Has anyone ever heard of that? I am going to call my nutritionist on monday but this weekend i dont know what to do....i did take one this morning i am not going to take it tomorrow but i have 2 others besided that that are to be swallowed.........and he wants to try soft foods today i mean after 3 days isint that a bit early?
any info that you may have i would appretiate..............Hill
My doctor gave me pain pill post op, open rny and I had no problems. And he gave me the ok for soft food 1 week post op. If you doctor says it ok, I'm sure it's ok. I think you just have that normal nervousness that comes post op that you will do something wrong and ruin this surgery.
You sound like you are doing find and I just want to say congrats. on your surgery.
open rny
mar 18 2003
lbl 1/9/2007