Has anyone had laproscopic bypass?
I had LAP RNY November 14th and yes they look like stab wounds. Very small. My son and daughter kept saying "look at mommy w/ the wholes in her stomach". There is one small incision that is below your left breast. This is the main one they use for the surgery its bigger than the rest of them. This is your drainage. My doctor had a small plastic thingamigig (never asked what it was) to drain the yellow stuff (gross). I was told to change the dressings every time I took a shower which was every day. Silly me switched to band aids. By the time I went for two week check up my doctor was in shock to see all the red marks. The band aids nearly ripped my skin off. I'm hispanic too! Just advise don't use bandaids. Good luck on your weight loss journey. Oh and I had a very sharp burning pain in that area and the doc gave me a cortizone shot and it went away in a few days. That was the only pain I experience. Oh yeh also waking up from Surgery and kept repeating what the hell did I do! Now I don't regret every having the surgery.