I'm getting very nervous......

on 3/8/07 2:15 am - Yonkers, NY
Hi everyone.... I live in Yonkers and I'm scheduled for surgery on March 20. Of course I'm still waiting for the insurance to give me the OK, but I'm going for pre-op on Tuesday anyway. When I scheduled surgery I wasn't nervous at all. Everyone kept asking me "are you nervous?" and I said "I'm not now, but ask me a week before".... well, it's a week and a half before and I'm really really scared. I've been looking at the memorial board on here and saw that some people passed away from the surgery or from another kind of surgery and some passed away from something totally different. But I mean why would they pass away from the gastric bypass? I saw someone pass away from an pulmonary embolism.... Actually some people passed away from that. I'm really scared..... I just need some words of encouragment or something. PLEASEEEE.. Thanks!
on 3/8/07 3:01 am - Greene, NY
It is normal to be nervous. I was so nervous the night before that I thought about canceling. Now I am so very glad that i did not. Any surgery comes with the possibility of complications. A pumonary embolism is one of those complications but is very uncommon. It happens when you develop a blood clot and it then moves to the lungs.The best way to avoid the possibility is get up and moving as soon after surgery as you can and keep moving often. That way the blood doesn't settle and clot where is should not. Hang in there and just remember at one point we all felt just like you do right now : ) Keep smiling!!
on 3/8/07 3:50 am - Yonkers, NY
So that's how to not have a clot form? Just by moving around? That's easy. I had a C-Section so I know what it's like to have pain right after surgery and I moved around the next day. My hubby had the gastric bypass done and he had to move around the next day as well. OK.... you made me feel a little better. Thank you! I'm excited and nervous. When did you have yours done?
on 3/8/07 4:19 am - Maspeth, NY
Cindy, I was really scared too. As it got closer I remember laying in bed a few nights before and saying to my husband "I'm I nuts for doing this" and he told me I don't think I could do it but you are going to fine. And I am-- I have lost 138 pounds and I am young again. I do things I havent done is years and guess what my husband did it too and three of my friends. None of us had any complications, they need to tell you all the things that can happen but you will be okay. People that passed away from the sugery had complications that could have killed them before the surgery. Most of them were severally diabetic or had really bad heart problems. You will be fine. Have faith in your doctor and keep a positive attitude. And just think by the end of the summer you will be 60 -75 pounds lighter! I went from a size tight 24W to a size 4P. You are going to love your new life. Next week we will be welcoming you to the losing side.
on 3/8/07 4:27 am - Yonkers, NY
OMG... you lost 138 pounts?????????? wholly s--t! That's AWESOME.... :0) Wow, you must feel great huh? When did you have your surgery? I'm actually diabetic on insulin but I'm not worried about that.... I'm more worried about those pulmonary embolisms that I keep reading about. My husband had it done and thank god had no problems either.... he lost like 160lbs too! I can't wait to do it, but I keep thinking "am I doing the right thing?". I don't want to leave my kids and my hubby..... UGHHHHHHHHH but I know I'm doing the right thing. I need to! Thanks for the encouragement... I definitely need it..... can you give it to me again next week?
Maryellen R.
on 3/8/07 5:21 am - Sayville, NY
Hi Cindy, I too read all the memorials before my surgery! It scared me as well. It is good that you made this posting. There are a few facts to think about. Well, firstly, there are risks to any type of surgery. Secondly, statisticly, less than 1% nationwide has died because of complications from WLS. Thirdly, if you don't have the surgery, what are your risks of dying young as an obese individual and or complications from obesity...diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.? I'm sure that you've already researched your doctor and hosptial well. Taking risks and chances are part of life. It is a personal decision and nobody should tell you what to do. I can tell you that since my surgery, I am a better mother, wife, daughter, sister, student and worker. It has truly changed my life. I go to bed every night thanking God for my health (and my friends and family) and new chance at life. I do things now with total confidence. Life is so much more eventful for me now! I will be 42 (on Saturday). I had the RNY last 7/31/06 and I'm already down approxiamtely -90lbs. I am wearing a size 10...and more importanty...MY THIGHS DON'T RUB....LOL!!! Good luck with whatever you chose! Maryellen
on 3/8/07 5:36 am - Yonkers, NY
wow.... that's awesome.... congrats! I figured that this posting would help me get over my fears and see if anyone had the same feelings.... luckily I was right! I wanna be in a size 10... I wanna run around and not be out of breath and think I'm having a heartattack.... I wouldn't be a candidate for this surgery if it wasn't for my diabetes.... But I hate the way clothes fit me and I hate the way I'm tired all the time and I just wanna do more with my kids and all. My husband had the procedure and he lost like 160 lbs. I wanna be like him. He keeps telling everyone that he feels like he's 21 again. I want to feel like that. Thanks for the encouragement.
on 3/8/07 7:20 am - new york, NY
Wanted to wish you luck with your surgery and let you know i too read the memorials and was scared to death.....but i have to say it was the best decision i ever made. We are here for you and you are not alone. LisaMarie
on 3/8/07 8:12 am - Yonkers, NY
Thank you so much.... I was reading your profile.... man o man... you look at your husband and you get prego huh? LOLLLLLLLLLLLL Can I ask how much you weighed after your 4th child and what made you decide to have the surgery? When did you have the surgery again? I'm pretty much pigging out now before I go on the liquid diet. I'm also PMSing too so it kind of sucks cause I really feel fat now! UGH My diabetes actually makes me a candidate -- otherwise I wouldn't be. My BMI is like 38. But I feel it... UGHHHHH Thanks so much for the encouragement. I definitely need it now.... (although I have my hubby's since he went through the same thing).
on 3/8/07 9:41 am - South Glens Falls, NY
Deep breaths, Cindy, thats all the advice I can offer ya that has worked for me. I am getting ready to be 'sliced and diced' on Monday!!! We will be fine. I think that by reading the memorials, as we probably all have, it makes us aware and makes this REAL to us. It is real, and unfortunately, dying is real as well. I think what has helped me not think about that is my belief that you never really know when it's your time anyways. Something really weird or even not so weird as a car accident could happen to any one of us at any time and we could get killed. Yet we still get in cars to go here or there, or to our MANY doc. appts. ---Just think of all those doc. appts. and tests you have gone through. They don't just do them for the heck of it, they do them to make sure that you are both physically and mentally able to handle this surgery, and if you got your doc to clear you, YOU ARE, and you can do this!!! We will both have March re-birthdays, so YIPPPEEE to us!!! Take care and please email me if you need to!! Georgeanne
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