Question about drains
I just came from the hospital visiting my friend who just had the bypass surgery yesterday. Her doc does drains. My doc does not; my surgery was Nov 2006. I thought I had read or heard before that if you see any liquid in the granade, that is a sign of leaks. Her's was full and she was dripping of blood onto the floor. She said her granade was full and it was backing out of one of her incisions. The nurse did come in and change her dressings and empty the granade. I had steri strips on my incisions and they were never changed; I just waited for them to fall off on their own. I just want to know if anyone ekse has experienced this, to what my friend is.
I had my surgery on January 18th. I did have 2 drains. The grenade should have stuff in it in the beginning. Mine also looked like blood. Each day it should drain a bit less. I had to stay in the hospital one extra day because I was still draining too much. No big deal by the next day it was fine. They removed one drain, capped the other and I went home. If the grenade was overflowing then the nurses need to get in there and empty it more often. They emptied mine one a shift and recorded how much fluid there was. I hope that helps. : ) Kier
Thank you; I don't feel so nervous now. She went to a doc who I heard wasn't on top of the list; if you know what I mean. My psych lady was against me going to this doc and 3 months latter from me having surgery, I find out one of my good friends is deciding to have the surgery and like it's right around the corner coming up soon and then she tells me who is doing it and I freaked. Yes, I was upset she kept the whole thing a secret as well; when she knew what I had gone through prior, during and after surgery. So, I have been deeply praying for her.