help i need feedback

on 3/1/07 6:23 am - syracuse, NY
help! i was suppused to have lapband on 3/5. was mentally prepared and ready. now that DAMn insurance co. thinks that the rny would be better for me. the dr is calling me tomorrow to discuss it. mentally i think it probably would be better but emotionally i'm very scared. a women at work (someone i didnt know) passes after having the was from an embolism and i know that is a risk regardless of the surgery. but its kinda freakin me out. any feedback or a voice of reason would be great. thanks sue
on 3/1/07 6:56 am - new york, NY
This is a decision that needs to be made with you and your surgeon. Do not let an insurance company tell you what is best for you. Take your time, look at both, weight and measure the pros and cons with your surgeon and then make your decision....Let us know what happens. Good luck. LisaMarie
Michelle J.
on 3/1/07 10:37 pm - Buffalo, NY
I agree with LisaMarie. Only you and your Dr know what is best for you. There are risks with either surgery, and you need to discuss them carefully with your Dr before you make a decision. Michelle
Tavia V
on 3/1/07 10:45 pm - Long Island, NY
Hi Sue, Insurance co. are a pain in the butt, trust me I know. They think they can call the shots when it come to your own healthcare which is absurd. What matters is what you and your doctors think is best for you. Dont let them push you to do something you do not want to do just b/c it saves them $$(and trust me that always their motiviation) Good luck with your journey.
on 3/3/07 2:51 am - UPSTATE, NY
Sue: WLS is a very challenging decision. One that should not be entered into lightly, impulsively or uneducatedly. Making a decision for you which will ensure the highst proabliity of success and health longterm is a personal choice, some ins. companies do limt choices, some do not cover certain procedures (band being one of those). I recommend you consider taking ome time to breath in all tha has happened andnot jump on RNy just because. If after a thorough investigation you have made a educated ad informed decision that RNY is best for you then go wit it, if not look at other choices, self pay for band or change insurance companies when next opportunity arises, appal decision etc. A hasty ecision usually never serves any of us well. Unfortunatley this is happening, no one can say why, maybe it is a higher powers plan to spare you a proble on 3/5? Who kows. Sometimes challenges are truly blessings in disguise...Patience is hard for me and esp. when i know what i think I want. I wish you godsped to find inner peace with this challenge. Take Care, Jamie Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh 320/163 5'9'' (lost 45 before Surgery) Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King "Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
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