Need Recommendation for New Surgeon in NY City
I'm fed up with Ren. Well, actually, I can't be fed up with her cuz I didn't get as far as meeting her, but her office staff while nice and all are impossible and very unwilling to work with me. I very much want to switch surgeons (I so wish I didn't have to care that much about each $25k deal!) but I want one preferably who will accept my psych evaluation from Rens psychologist and possibly even accept my own nutritionist, as I DONT want to start all over again. Any sugggestions? I'm desperate! Thanks!
Thanks! I originally heard that Ren and Feilding were the top and that Feilding was the one who introduced it to America and Ren is his student and together they are top. They are really giving me a hard time and I can't put up with them anymore. I guess I can try seeing if I can get a recommendation from the local organization here. Thanks again!
Tavia V
on 2/20/07 10:38 pm - Long Island, NY
on 2/20/07 10:38 pm - Long Island, NY
Everyone seems to think their surgeon is the best, so take it w/a grain of salt. You have to understand that most doctors working in NY have to be very good to keep up.
Dr. Fielding is very well known for the lap-band surgery. If I wanted the lap-band he would have been my first choice. I have meet him a couple of times and he is a skillful/caring doctor.
There are tons of good surgeons in the city. I have heard good things about marc bessler @columbia if that helps at all.
I was going to the surgeons in westchester that were recommended to you..and their office staff sucked. I mean SUCKED!!!! I lived an hour away from their office, and the receptionist tried to stop me from seeing the doctor because they didn't have a urine analysis...she was very curt and nasty about it too.
Plus the surgeon I origionally went to see, tried to push me into a surgery I did not want.
I'd highly recommend Dr. Mitchel Roslin. He's located on 110 East 59th Street in Manhattan. They accepted all my preop testing from Westchester associates, even though all the clearance letters had my old surgeons name on it. The office staff was pretty efficent about getting me insurance clearance (I had waited for 5 months with westchester..trying to jump through all of their hoops...not the insurance companies hoops..but their hoops, just so that they'd submit it to the insurance company). Was I surprised when I found out that all Dr. Roslin's office needed was the Psych evaluation, a nutritionist letter, and a letter from my PCP (my insurance required the last one). THAT WAS IT.
His office number is 212-434-3285. He has literally done thousands of RNYs, Lap bands ..and hundreds of DS's (i had the DS).
I agree though...a good surgeon is only as good as their office staff. It's unfortuate but true.