
on 2/15/07 2:32 am
Hi, I have been discussing the WLS with some friends and all I hear is horror stories. This guy had it done and never woke up. this girl had 15 post operations, this one had several problems with gall bladder etc. Has anyone else had this problem, do they tell me to scare me or is it they don't want me to do it at all?Thanks...Janice PS we are waist deep in snow!!!!!
on 2/15/07 4:19 am - Catskill, NY
Hi Janice, You always hear horror stories before any type of surgery. I heard them also but it was the best thing I ever had done. Had my surgery 3 years ago this coming 3/18. Seems we never here the good things before a major surgery. Looked at it this way, the way I was going being heavy I was going to die one way or another, but the WLS changed my whole life. Have another 20-25 pounds before I am to goal. Wishing you the best of luck and I hope you make the right choice. Feel free to email me any time. Linda
on 2/15/07 4:44 am - Greene, NY
I also heard horror stories from people before my surgery but never from people who actually had the surgery. Of course there are risks but there are with any surgery. To calm my own nerves I talked with several local people I know who had WLS. I asked each one what the worst part of the experience was. Each had a different tale to tell but none were all that awful. Then I asked each person how many times since wls they had thought " Why did I do this to myself?" Every single person gave me the same anser..."NEVER" followed by " This the best thing I ever did for myself". Thus I decided to go ahead with the surgery. I am now 4 weeks post op and feel really good. The first couple of weeks were uncomfortable. I spent an extra day in the hospital and had a little infection but neither thing was Earth shaking. Don't let second hand horror stories scare you. Keep talking with your Doc and people who have actually gone through wls. You will make the right choice for you. Good luck!
(deactivated member)
on 2/15/07 10:42 am - Cincinnati, OH
Hi You will always hear horror stories with any kind of surgery. All surgeries have risks no matter what the surgery is. The benefits of this surgery outway the risks. I am 21 months post-op and in all this time I have heard of two cases that were major but no deaths. Our surgeons practic ehas been doing this surgery for 20 years. In 20 years, thay have NO DEATHS. Just think about what it will do for your future. Don't worry about the fear. It will pass. Marie
Purple Passion
on 2/15/07 7:36 pm - Little Falls, NJ
There are definitely risks to surgery...any surgery. I suggest you do all the research you possibly can. Learn all about the good and the bad. You have to be aware of the risks. Remember, knowledge is power and the more research you do, the more you will be prepared for surgery as well as people's comments. Rachelle
on 2/15/07 8:36 pm - UPSTATE, NY
Janice: First hello! and welcome to the family! Of course WLS comes w/ risks & complications, as severe as death per literature that is a risk of 1 in 200. Who YOU will be no one knows, willyou die? Sure hope not, will you have gallbladder issues, maybe any wt loss can cause that! Will you need multiple operations no one knows, does it happen? Yes it does. All you can do is make the most educated and informed decision possible for YOU! No one knows what your life is like now, no one but you. It is important to have support, realistic expectations and be aware of all potential complications, even then we leave a lot to the surgical skill of our bariatric surgeons and our higher powers (whatever that may be to you). Many times our loved ones and friends are uneducated, scare, jealous etc and they project those emotions on us. That is why you should do all the research you need to make the BEST choice for you. Talk to those who have had complications, how they survived it physically/emotionally, talk to those that had no issues, talk to as many people who have lived this journey and find out all the good bad and ugly of it. I won't sugar coat anything, research until you are comfortable. This surgery is not for everyone. It takes some many years to decide and that is OKAY, because it should not be an impulsive decision. Take all the time you need. Here is a post I sent frequently to those trying to decide to have RNY. (*That is what I know about) there is of course other options, the lap band, the Biliopancreatic diversion w/ duodenal switch (BPD/DS), the gastric sleeve, etc. Many times people tell of horror stories they can not substantate, ask for names, phone numbers because if they do know them you should talk to them! Otherwise ask tehy get dcuated w/ you, by doing online, book, in person support group research....No one has to like your decision as they supprt YOU not the choice! link has complications on it common postop ???'s this site has so many great articles on everything pre to postop!!!! Look around a while! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deciding to have WLS is a major, life-changing event and shouldn't be made on impulse (I am not saying this is you I am saying this for anyone thinking about it!). I recommend anyone be 110% sure this is what you want to do because it is PERMANENT! Things to think about: · How long have you been researching WLS?**Hopefully at least a good 6 months or so****for many it is years! · Do you understand the procedure, I mean really understand the nitty gritty of what they are going to do to your intestinal system! Not just it will help me lose weight but that they are going to cut your stomach in 2,make a small pouch, the old stomach hopefully is transected from pouch by staples and surgically cut in 2! Then the intestines are cut a few feet or so down and rerouted so you lose weight because the tummy is restrictive and bypassing the intestines decreases absorption....Know the risks involved with this!!!***(nutritional/metabolic/physical/psychosocial): ex B12 and vitamin deficiencies/protein deficiency/hernia/adhesions, risk of depression post op related to grief over loss of food and hormonal surge of estrogen/trauma of surgery, marital/relational difficulties/high divorce rate)... · Surgical risks: (not all inclusive.. Bleeding · Complications due to anesthesia and medications · Deep vein thrombosis/clots · Wound Dehiscence · Infections · Pulmonary problems · Spleen injury · Stenosis · Hernia · Depression possibly related to grieving the loss of food, decreased metabolism, and hormonal surges from estrogen being released into the body from rapid wt loss/fat breakdown.... · Gallstones.... · Long-term osteoporosis, vit./mineral deficiencies · hair loss (temporary due to anesthesia, trauma of surgery but will continue if you are protien/vit and mineral deficient!) · Food intolerances (possibly meats, esp. red meat, lactose intolerance, sugar, fats, fried food) · Dumping syndrome (Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea/chestpain/palatations/sweating/tiredness for minutes/hours/days) · EXCESS SKIN....OK my philosophy is you fit in your skin or you don't...Do say you don't want to feel bad after, ask yourself do you feel bad now? If yes are you healthy now as a MO person? Yeah many insurance companies pay for some plastic surgeries if medically necessary it may be a fight, but you can get some of it removed possibly....If though this will deter you I say the chances are great you will have some amount of excess skin, no one knows how much...Age, gender, prior diet/weight changes, pregnancies all affect this and the best chance on has to control this is (although limited) exercise, water and protein....So if this is a huge issue don't have surgery.....Perhaps join : a great site and look at before pictures and after....Excess skin may be by far the most distressing side-effect for people as we already come with altered self-esteem/body image!!! · What type of research have you done? (Internet, in-person support group meetings, talking with others who have had surgery, surgeon consult, surgeon seminar, articles, books?????)***Knowledge is power and is the best tool we have for success and happiness afterwards**** · What are your present support systems? Friends, Family, co-workers.....**Although not 100% necessary if others are on board it sure as heck makes the ride all that much easier!!!*** · What are your current stressors? ***WLS is a time when you need to be as stable as possible, going through a divorce, bankruptcy, death of a close relative, job loss...well WLS may be a good option but pick the optimal time as it is stressful enough if everything is good, when you are going through something extra stressful you are hampering your success possibly and not having the old standby of food to rely on can be HELL!***This is not to say there ever is a right time and things can happen post-op but be kind to yourself and do what's best for you, waiting 3 months may make all the difference in the world! After all this is about forever!!! · What is your nutritional/obesity/diet history?***WLS is not for everyone, it is for the Morbidly obese (BMI above 40 or 35 with major comorbdities such as sleep apnea, Coronary disease, Diabetes....)This should be no ones first attempt at dieting (*I know this is not yours again just general guidelines)...Anyone who says this is the easy way out, KNOWS NOTHING about the surgery or the struggles you will endure and lifestyle changes necessary post-op for success! They are usually ignorant, jealous or both! Again your education and knowledge here goes a long way...Everyone seems to know someone who 'died' or had a 'terrible experience' with WLS...BUT no one seems to have a name or number to call that person!!! It is again based on hearsay alot of the time and their own fears and insecurities...You are doing this for you remember that, it is nice to have support, so educate friends and family, bring them to a support group!!! It can only help! Many programs require wt loss preop...I know many people disagree with this or don't understand why..IMHO I think it is a generally good idea to start instilling dietary, exercise and overall lifestyle changes preop, there is nothing magical about the surgery that makes u wake up and think like a thin person (*I WISH!!!!) So making small changes are helpful pre-op...EXERCISE is one of the biggest keys to success (IMHO again) and anything you can do preop will help you keep up with this and be healthier for surgery!! (and a better surgical risk!)...Start eating smaller portions, it is hard if you go from eating super sized fast food today to clear liquids for 2 weeks (*this is my equivalent of psychological hell/torture!!!) Start slowing down when you eat, put that fork down in-between bites, cut up your food to small pieces, stop drinking and eating at the same time (cant do it or shouldn't postop so start now!) Start taking in 64 ounces of fluid a day if u aren't already, will need to postop! Cut out carbonation, caffeine, sugar, alcohol and chocolate (these are 5 recommended things to avoid postop for many esp. in the first year) again make postop life easier on yourself not harder start ahead!!!!Try on new coping skills for size, they wont miraculously appear postop! Stock the house with clear liquids, crystal lite, diet kool-aid, broth, diet jello etc so u are ready when u get home!!!!Try and avoid the 'last supper syndrome' you will eat most everything again eventually, perhaps in smaller quantities, so don't have a feast each night of things u think u will never have again! · Ask yourself: What is my ability to make lifestyle changes? Be compliant with post-op recommendations??? This is only a tool....(*sorry can't say that enough!).... a. Need to exercise daily for health/wt loss and help with excess skin b. Need to supplement with B12, multivitamin, folate, Iron, Zinc, Calcium citrate, protein shakes possibly give or take things. c. Need for LIFELONG FOLLOW UP!!!! · Know that extended release medications may not be as effective or absorbed well (**esp. birth control pills in woman of childbearing age use alternative form of BC) I could probably ramble on all day about this..I hope some of this helps you! Any specific ? email us or me offline! Take care and good luck it is an awesome journey!! *not perfect and a positive attitude helps! DO this for you and only you!!!!Start journaling now is a great site, start your own profile there! Also if you haven't seen this document (pouch rules) print and read! A good basic guide to things that will help you use the tool and be successful as possible (*for most of us!!!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAGAZINES: ~ObesityHelp Magazine $25/year a6x yr publication ~WLS lifestyles $24.95/year a quarterly magazine BOOKS: ~Weight Loss surgery: Finding the thin person hiding inside of you Third Edition By: Barbra Thompsons: or at ISBN: 1932205306 $22.95 ~Weight Loss Surgery for dummies $14.95 or at ISBN-10: 0764584472 ~The Success Habits of Weight Loss Surgery Patients By Colleen Cook $22.95 available at: ~Exodus from Obesity; The Guide to Long-Term Success After Weight Loss Surgery. is $24.95. ASBS site (history of surgery, bariatric centers of excellence etc): SA BARIATRIC (great nutrition info on dumping esp): MEDSCAPE ARTICLES: *register to use site WEB MD ARTICLE ON WLS: ~~~~~~~~~~~ Preparing for Weight Loss Surgery (*article) By Heather HatfieldWebMD ALVARADO SITE WLS: THINNER TIMES: BSCI: (they have a free newsletter) Dr. Terry Simpson: (has a free newsletter & HAS BOOKS FOR Sale) ARTICLES ON DEFICIENCIES POST WLS: US BARIATRICS NEWSLETTER: DUODENAL SWITCH: LAP BAND: 2 BOOKS ABOUT LAPBAND: Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding : Achieving Permanent Weight Loss with Minimally Invasive Surgery (Paperback) by Jessie H. Ahroni Ph.D. A. R. N. P. $12.48 on ISBN: 0595311148 Paperback: 130 pages Publisher: iUniverse, Inc. (May 31, 2004) Lap-Band for Life (Paperback) by Ariel Ortiz Lagardere MD FACS Price: $13.57 on Paperback: 331 pages Publisher: LM Publishers (December 5, 2005) ISBN: 187913666X *******email me anytime off list if you have ?? FYI I am 4+ yrs postop and a psych NP who has done a lot of preop psych evals and postop counseling and runs a in person support group 3+yrs now, glad to share info or answer ???'s if I can! You are not alone we are here for you! Take Care, Jamie 100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY 320(preop)/163 (lowest)/174 (current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery) Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King "Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
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