Question for everyone?????

Still Fighting 4.
on 2/13/07 3:10 am - Southern Tier, NY
Hello everyone It's me Tammy, professional lurker coming out for a ??, some might remember me, quick recap 3/05 started my journey for the second time for WLS, 5/05 was given verbal approval, then received a written denial due to policy change with insurance, it took 6 months to enroll in the weight loss and exercise program, started to jump throught Preferred Cares hoops,then 7/06 lost insurance due to DH job change. Now present day lol, we will have BCBS basic as of 3/1/07 according to their site they cover WLS, here is the ?? should I wait a month to start over again or should I do it right away? Any input will be nice, thank you. On a person note, I do read the board everyday and I am so happy to see everyone doing good, everyone is a insprition to me, thank you for posting your experience. Thank you again!!!!!
on 2/13/07 4:14 am - UPSTATE, NY
Start asap many insurance reuqire a medically supervised diet of 6-12 monthsso get going! Best 2 u! Jamie
Still Fighting 4.
on 2/13/07 4:33 am - Southern Tier, NY
Hello Jamie Thank you for your reply. Yick, 12 month of a supervised diet, I wonder if they would take my monthly visits to the Dr for my back? I have been seeing him since 1/02 monthly and we do talk about my weight also not just my back.......hmmmm. I guess its a wait and see type of thing now. Thank you again, have a great day!
(deactivated member)
on 2/13/07 7:34 am - Cincinnati, OH
Hi I had BC/BS also. Start immediately. They required a 6 month diet history from your PCP before they would approve me. But as soon as I did everything I had to, I had an approval in 24 hours. Good Luck. Marie
Still Fighting 4.
on 2/13/07 9:54 am - Southern Tier, NY
Hello Marie Thank you for your reply, I hope they will take the info from my PCP I see him monthly, and I have to step on the scale everytime Was the diet the only requirment? I have read the packet but there was not a whole lot in info on what was needed for approval. thank you again stay warm.
on 2/13/07 9:51 pm - BROOKLYN, NY
I would start right away and not waste any time. you have already been throught the ringer with Insurance companies so jump right in, most of them require a six month supervised diet and if you have already started it you will be a step ahead. Never give up the fight. this is your health. Wishing you the best through out your journey to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Christine
Still Fighting 4.
on 2/14/07 4:30 am - Southern Tier, NY
Hello Christine Thank you for your reply, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. The snow here is amazing!!! Thank you for your well wishs. I am a little afraid of jumping the gun due to my past history with trying to get approved for WLS. BUT I want this surgery I tried to call about the exemptions from my DH job but they will not tell me until I have the prefix on the insurance cards. So I wait, I am getting really good at! I will not give up I have to much to lose (not just weight) if I dont proceed with WLS. Stay warm and I hope y'all did not get a ton of snow, have a great day!
on 2/14/07 3:17 am - corning, NY
Tammy - Definetly start your process now, it's only a few weeks. Double check with your insurance as soon as you can. Call them and say I will be effective 3-1-07 but need to see if there are any guidlines for wls. Just because it is BCBS doesn't mean they are all the same, they have different guidlines for each company they insure. I have BCBS but they just require a history of weight management and loss, not a specific time line. Wishing you the best of luck. Collette
Still Fighting 4.
on 2/14/07 4:39 am - Southern Tier, NY
Hello Collette Thank you for your reply. I will be calling the insurance company once I get the cards, I was hoping that they would be here by now but with the amount of snow out here, I think it will be a few more days. I need to give them the prefix before the numbers on the cards so they can give me the correct info, so I have been told. I am getting really good at waiting . Thank you again stay warm
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