What Oh What Shall I Ever Do?

on 2/12/07 12:35 pm - Long Island, NY
I know that all of the replies,(if you decide to comment) will tell me that it is my own personal choice. I know that...but I'm writing "out loud" I am very aware that I have to do what is right for me. I NEED HELP! I went to the surgeons office to sign my consents forms for a RNY and left signing nothing, zippo, zero,zilch. The reason being is because she wanted me to absolutely certain of what procedure that I want. Out of the clear blue sky, I got it in my head to have the lap band. I didn't expect to change my mind like that! I absolutely didn't even consider the lap band during this process. My surgery date is still being left as March 19, if all insurance things work out. I will shed weight faster with a RNY,yes,but my goal is also to be healthy. I have a difficulty with my feet and knee. I need to lose approximately 100 lbs. and do not take any medicine for physical ailments such as diabetes and BP. Not yet anyway. But I'm pressing my luck. As I've told you in earlier posts,I lost my younger sister to this horrendous disease...and I do believe it is a disease. Most of the members on this forum seemed to have chosen the RNY and are doing wonderfully. I also am very fortunate because my neighbor is amost a year out and is doing great.(100 lbs down since May 8, 2006.) I try to be her cheer leader and we walk together when my knee allows. I would also like to hear about any successful stories from any lapband people also and the difficulties with this method as well. I need to read posts that are doing as good as the RNYers. I am literally on the fence and have to let the office know by Monday. AT THIS RATE I MIGHT NOT EVEN NEED ANY SURGERY BECAUSE MY TUMMY IS IN KNOTS AND I CAN'T EAT! WOW!!!(first time ever) Oh well, I'm aware that you guys can't decide for me, but I thought maybe ONE post will really hit me and help sway me one way or the other. No matter what... I intend to be in a hospital bed on March 19th. Talk to you soon - thanks - Diane
(deactivated member)
on 2/12/07 1:00 pm - Cincinnati, OH
Hi Diane First of all, they are correct in asking you if this is what you really want. Actually, our hospital here does the same and they will do it up to the minute you are put under in the OR because people have backed out. They do that for your own good. My personal suggestion is, you talk to your surgeon. Examine your eating habits. If it were me, and my eating habits were bad, I would go for the RNY. For eg. sweets, junk foods etc. That is me. Thats why I chose the RNY. If you have only 100 pounds to lose, and you have no problems with sweets and junk food, then you have a decision to make. Don't take the RNY because its faster weight loss. You can't think of it that way. You have to examine things. Maybe the lapband came to your mind because you are scared. I don't know. But you have to think and examine what you want to do. Don't jump into something that you will regret later. I hope that helps. If you need anything else, feel free to email me anytime. Marie
on 2/12/07 3:14 pm - Greene, NY
I can only speak from my own experience, I dont know whether it will hel*****t but... I went into my surgeon the first day assuming that I would have the lapband done. The Dr told me that he absolutely believed I should have the Roux en Y instead. One reason he gave was that it has better long term success than the band He also felt that there is more opportunity for infection with the band due to the port. I have to say, the concept of having a port so they could make adjustments as needed totally freaked me out. A scar is bad enough but a port to acess my insides...yuck! After talking to my Dr., going to an informational class on both surgeries, reading a couple of books and a lot of prayer, I decided on the Roux en Y. I am 3 weeks post op and very happy that I did. Good luck! I am sure you will make the right choice for you whatever that may be.
us2bfat C.
on 2/12/07 6:30 pm - selden, NY
like most of us said its a personal desicion... whatever you decide you have to be right up in your head and geared for a very big life change,,,,again my personal choice was to have rny because if i was going to get filleted i was going for the one that gave the best results..... there is also a forum just for lap banders you can check that out as well... try to relax and realize either way will get you healthy as long as you follow what your doctor tells you and do not deviate..... you will be fine we have all been where you are ........ i would do it all over again in a red hot new york minute ....... i have a great life today aside from the debt from shopping too much.... hahahahha ......anyway whatever you decide we are here for you for anything you need ..... most importantly SUPPORT!!!!!!!
on 2/12/07 7:29 pm - new york, NY
Congrats to you on being strong and not just signing under pressure. Researching and talking to people who have had both and then being totally sure and informed when you are ready is the adult thing to do. Take a deep breath, relax you will know whats right for you in the end. We are here to support you no matter what you decide. There is a lap bad forum, maybe you might want to hop over there and talk to some people. This is a major major decision and one that isnt to be taken lightly you are doing the right thing. Let us know what you decide. LisaMarie
on 2/13/07 12:38 am - Long Island, NY
I'm back again. I'm like "THE THING THAT WOULDN'T LEAVE." Would it make a difference in a decision of lapband vs to RNY to say that I would at times sell my first born for a chocolate bar? I can eat sensibly for a week and then go into a mindless binge on chocolate for about three days...and I mean binge. My husband said that he has never in his life seen anyone with an appetite like mine. I had always been thin.) If chocolate is not around, I will binge on anything. I am always hungry, or think that I am, even after having 4 slices of pizza. If I have a king size hershey almond bar, I noticed that my mentality has noticably changed to "one is not good enough." So now I automatically buy 3 or possibly 4. Then after all the guilt, I go back for another few days of eating sensibly. If I wanted to, I guess that I could come up with the excuse that I stopped smoking 3yrs. ago and am just substituting one for the other. But the truth is I did this while smoking only to a lesser degree. I have to break this cycle or I'll go nuts. I am going to a support group tonight to see if there is anyone like me there. I think that I know what I will do. Diane
(deactivated member)
on 2/13/07 8:11 am - Boca Raton, FL
Hi Diane, I really like this website, and found an article on the site pertaining to your confusion. Here is the link: http://www.themorbidme.com/2006/07/gastric_bypass__1.html Good luck in your decision-making...it must be tough at this point...but the answers will come in time. Hugs, Karen
on 2/13/07 1:23 pm - Long Island, NY
Thank you sooooo much everyone for the feed back. Also, Karen I. that website you gave me was wonderful. I went to a support group tonight because obviously needed it and asked a lot of questions too. I know that as of this minute, I've made up my mind for the RNY. My husband is 100% behind me in whatever I choose....so that's great too. I wanted to be able to decide with no hesitation of what type of surgery I should have. You have to admit,though, it's a big step to just take lightly. Thanks again all. If something comes up that you happen to think of, please feel free to comment. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY - Diane
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