How long???

on 2/12/07 7:40 am - Greene, NY
Hello, I am new to this site. I just had my surgery on January 18th so, I am about 3 1/2 weeks post op. I am feeling great but am frustrated. The Dr. still has me on a stage one, clear liquid diet. I am bored to death with Carnation Instant reakfast and worried that I may not be getting enough protien. Furthermore I was hoping to get to adjust to what I can and cannot eat before I go back to work. At this pace that will never happen....ahhhh!!! Help! How long did you have to wait before trying stage 2 foods, purees and such? Thanks for helping
on 2/12/07 8:47 am - Lehighton, PA
Hello, coincidently I also had my rny on jan 18th, congratulations...........on jan 30th I was told to start the cottage cheese/ricotta cheese/ egg beaters phase and thats where I am still at....I have my next appointment next tueday maybe then i will progress to purees....take care
on 2/12/07 12:06 pm - Greene, NY
Congratulations on your surgery!!! Apparently January 18th was a popular date : -) Actually you are at the stage I want to be right now. I would kill for some cottage cheese...LOL I am still on popsicles and broth. : -( I hope you are feeling well. When do you plan to return to work? Just wondering ...
Pat T.
on 2/12/07 10:35 am - Rome, NY
I had the same Dr! You will probably switch to pureed food at your next appt. Call them if you have any quesitons at all. They are great about answering and it may just be that they forgot to tell you to switch to pureed. When do you go back?
on 2/12/07 12:03 pm - Greene, NY
Thank you so much for yor reply. When Dr. G was at the old office (Mohawk Valley) I felt like everyone was so helpful and wonderful. Now that he is at Slocum Dixon I feel like things are a bit less organized. I actually called today and asked if I could switch to stage 2 and he said not until my next appointment. That is next monday. I will be more than a month post-op at that point. With the liquids 2 weeks pre-op, I will have been stage one for over 6 weeks by the time he switches me. I don't mean to sound whiney. I am just frustrated and want to throw away all the carnation instant breakfast in my house...LOL. Do you by any chance remember when he switched you? All the books I have read say it is usually about 2 weeks post -op but to follow your Dr's orders. When did you have your surgery? How are you doing? Thank you again for your help : )
(deactivated member)
on 2/12/07 1:05 pm - Cincinnati, OH
Hi Every surgeon is different Also, you should be drinking protein shakes. there isn't enough protein in carnation instant breakfast. Our surgeon have us on a liquid diet 14 days. The start with soft food. I tried to advance to the next stage without docs permission and I hurt myself. Too much for the pouch. Don't forget, your pouch is like a new born baby's. Don't get frustrated. It will be all worth it in the end. Follow the protocol and you will be successful. Hope that helps. Marie
on 2/12/07 3:04 pm - Greene, NY
Thank you for your encouragement!
(deactivated member)
on 2/12/07 3:21 pm - Cincinnati, OH
Our surgeons website has a food guide that we follow for 6 weeks. The website is down right now. I'll try again tomorrow and if it is up, I will forward you that food guide. Marie
on 2/12/07 3:26 pm - Greene, NY
Thank you so much. That would be fantastic!!! Have a great night.
Lisa Sparks
on 2/13/07 3:43 am - NY
Marie, If you could forward that info to me as well that would be great! I'm all set for 2/20 Lisa
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