(deactivated member)
on 2/9/07 12:12 pm - Boca Raton, FL
Hi All, How late/long post-op can you develop a stricture? I am 5 months out and beginning to wonder. Also: Those who did develop a did you know? Thanks! -Karen
on 2/9/07 6:41 pm - Jackson Heights, NY
Hi Karen, I had one that started after my first month. I started having trouble keeping anything down, in fact, I was throwing up more than I was taking in. After a long weekend, my husband called my surgeon's office and they told me to go to the ER because I could get dehydrated. They admitted me and gave me all kinds of tests and medication (Reglan and something else through IV). I was sent home on liquids and then was supposed to start back on solids, but after a week or so, I started having the same problem. My surgeon gave me the name and number of his Gastro guy and I made an emergency appt to see him. He took one look at me and told me to go to the ER. He said he was going to do an endoscopy but couldn't do it if I was dehydrated. So I was admitted again and after a few days, they did the endoscopy. I could feel the difference immediately upon waking up. I had another bout after that and they did the endoscopy again but said I had no stricture the 2nd time and I might just be the type who experiences nausea as a symptom too. The nausea pretty much left after my 5th month and I've been fine since. In the literature from my surgeon's office a stricture can develop at 6-9 months and as far out as 18 months. Mine was an early one. What is going on that you feel you might have a stricture? Sue
(deactivated member)
on 2/9/07 9:15 pm - Boca Raton, FL
Hi Susan, Thanks for your informative reply. WOW: 6-9 months and as far out as 18 months. I thought it was pretty much a "right after surgery" issue. What's going on is that I, like you, get nauseaus often...but even more....I feel that "exploding esophagus" feeling during eating...and sometimes it's just soup and/or hot chocolate (unsweetened). But...other times I can eat things like salad w/out problem. I am confused. I'd rather avoid an endoscopy if I can, which is why I posted the question. It's hard for me to take time off from work and I know it would mean a day off for the procedure, plus probably another day in total for all the office visits. I started a "diary" to keep track of the symptoms. They are definately worse at times than others....sometimes I have an entire bad day. Thanks again! -Karen
on 2/9/07 7:17 pm - UPSTATE, NY
I had adhesions form and wrap around my intestines causing a stricture or blockage, I KNEW because all food/fluid/pills came back up. Strictures due to adhesions could happen at anytime, but the stricture most talk about is the narrowing or scarring down of the stoma (connection of pouch to small intestines or the Y connection) can happen ? how long after surgery probably in 6mo +/- if I were to guess , vomiting and foaming after eating are classic signs. Can also indicate a marginal ulcer there. PLEASE discuss you symptoms w/ your surgeon, so you can work together on any issues or concerns, sometimes an upper GI endoscopy is needed to visualize the area and or a upper GI w/ barium. Sometimes expolratory surgery is neded (in my case) because the 2 tests were inconclusive even a CT scan w/ dye was inconclusive... Be well. Keep us posted please. With your motility issues I'd be more worried about a bowel obstruction! Do not WAIT they CAN be life threatening! Take Care, Jamie 100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY 320(preop)/163 (lowest)/174 (current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery) Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King "Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
(deactivated member)
on 2/9/07 9:20 pm - Boca Raton, FL
Hi Jamie, Thanks for the info. Yeah, the motility issue stinks; I am being treated by a specialist for that now. The new medicine, Amitiza, is helping marginally, so now the Doc may add back the Zelnorm and see how that pans out. The Reglan makes me sooooo tired and also down in the dumps so as of yesterday he wants me to wean off of it. The stricture issue is one that my surgeon would address being they do the Endo/balloon procedure all the time. Your situation sounds terrible; sorry you had to go through that. May I ask...when everything was coming back up...was that a sudden onset? Were you about to "poop" at the time? Sorry for the TMI-question but I am trying to gain as much knowledge as possible. Hugs, Karen
on 2/9/07 9:31 pm - new york, NY
Hey Karen, just wanted to say hi and that i am sorry your still having issues. I hope they resolve for you very soon. LisaMarie
(deactivated member)
on 2/9/07 9:41 pm - Boca Raton, FL
Thanks, LisaMarie, Yeah...I have been so bummed out over all these issues. My Mom always says "No news is bad news" when it comes to me, meaning I tend to isolate when down in the your post was sweet and cheered me up. I just feel like "WHEN will things be normal?" Big Hugs, Karen
on 2/9/07 9:47 pm - new york, NY
Aww Karen i think of you often. I have aol and msn. Email me when you need to take vent or even just cry! Im here for you if you need me. Hang in there. LisaMarie
on 2/13/07 4:13 am - UPSTATE, NY
Gradually I went from eating well and driking well to not able to eat then not drink endd up dehydrated in Er then few dys later sever so in OR w/ my doc ofr emergency surgery do not ignore issues if i had waited any longer I could of had perforation/total obstruction and dead bowel and major revision on myhands! Jamie
Tavia V
on 2/9/07 10:30 pm - Long Island, NY
Hi Karen, You want to make sure you get the proper diagnose. Have your surgeon/GI Dr. sent you for the standard tests to rule out these things like a stricture, a bowel obstruction or motility disorder? A ct-scan is what you would need to see a bowel obstruction or even a stricture. A scope is the best way for them to see if something is going on at that connection. An upper GI is the test they would need to see a stricture as well to see if a scope is needed. An upper GI w/small bowel follow-through also can rule out a motility problem and a bowel obstruction. email me anytime, ok? Good luck.
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