BC/BS Ins Denial
I am new to this process and having difficulty w/ insurance. CareFirst of Maryland is the adminisrtator of our plan. They have denied most of the tests and consultations I need as part of the clearance process. They state "services primarily for weight loss by diet control are not a covered benefit". They say they will cover the actual surgery and in-pt stay, but that is all. Has anyone run into this problem? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...
I may be interpreting it wrong, but it seems to me that....
"services primarily for weight loss by diet control are not a covered benefit"
means they won't pay for your membership to Weigh****chers, Jenny Craig or Nutri-System
and perhaps you could clarify this following part......
"They say they will cover the actual surgery and in-pt stay, but that is all."
What else do you need/want them to cover?
the psych eval could be written up as a regular "psychological consultation" or "psychological therapy" if your policy provides for any type of therapy/psychology
The only thing I can think of that the insurance might give a hard time about would be the required Nutritionist visit(s)... many insurances don't cover for "nutritional counseling".... but it SHOULD at least be deductible on your taxes if you have enough deductions to itemize.
Good luck.
Thats very odd
Where is your BC/BS benefit from? What state?
Mine was BC/BS of California and covered everything whereas BC/BS of Florida covers nothing
I'm surprised with this because they are the best medical company and to not cover pre-op tests but cover the surgery, there is something wrong with that. I would investigate that further.
Let us know how you make out.