my before and after pics of my adomialplasty
well i was thinking of having a tummy tuck, but now im having second thoughts. How long were u in the hospital??? how bad is the pain??? im very nervous but interested in it. I give u credit that for sure.. you look great.. how much did u lose before the surgery??? good luck and let me know... veronica smith
I'm not sure either... I did get 9.2 pounds cut away. I did get my 98 staples out yesterday and he did put on steri- strips after he took out the staples. 2 spots wasnt closed all the way so he put extra strips on me. and told me to be very careful, not to bend, lift.. mainly take it easy and rest... i had my wls surgeon do my tummy panni removal. i didnt have a plastic surgeon so not sure what to tell you..i guess every dr is different.. anita