The Hamptons Center for Bariatric Surgery
I had my surgery (RNY) almost 4 years ago at Southampton Hospital with Dr. Medhat Allam. It was the BEST thing I ever did! I have lost 135 lbs. and kept it off. I think the key to success is, without a doubt, follow-up with your doctor, support groups, and message boards like this one and my doctor's:
I suffer with chronic, systemic sarcoidosis. Because of massive steroid use, I was nearly 300 lbs, and so sick I couldn't function. Now, I have my life back!
Is there anyone else out there who is post-op RNY with sarcoidosis, like me?
I look forward to hearing your story!
NICE to meet you.
I almost went with Dr. Allam...but found Dr. AHMAD who was much closer to my home and very careing beyond any doctor i ever met and mather hospitol was closer to my home then south hampton hospitol. THEY are both fine surgeons.
I dont have sarcoidoisis and i hope you find someone with this to talk to.
all the best