ER turns in Admitting
on 1/14/07 5:06 am
on 1/14/07 5:06 am
A few posts ago I explained about my wonderful day in the ER on Wednesday. My hubby and I took off first thing on Thursday morning to Rochester.. thinking that they were scheduling me for the endoscopy and I would be coming right back. Silly me... things could never be that easy. As soon as I arrived at the hospital they sent me to admissions where they proceeded to admit me... This was NOT in my plans... I had to teach the next day.. had rehearsals that night etc... my 11 year old was still back in Watertown expecting to see me when he got off the bus... grrrrrr so I send hubby home and I lie there in the hospital bed....
Then the fun came.. the attempt to put an IV in my arm. I am pretty dehydrated still so 8 or more (lost count) times later they finally get an IV on the underside of my wrist. Things just go from better to worse and when they have to take blood.. same thing.. can't find a vein.. the endoscopy wasn't going to be until the next day.. oh goodie.. my bloodwork came back showing something very interesting.. My Potassium levels were really low.. you are supposed to have around 4.0 and mine was 2.7... this was pretty serious so I have to start on potassium drip which burns..
to make this story shorter.. they found NOTHING on the endoscopy.. the throwing up, nautious feeling, tiredness etc etc etc... was cuz of the low potassium (besides being really bad for my heart and kidneys).. it was a viscious cycle.. throwing up depleted me of potassium and being depleted made me throw up more.... I ended up getting 8 bags of potassium and 6 monster pills as well as 7 bags of vitamin/mineral IV hydrating solution....
moral of this story....... EAT YOUR BANANAS!!!!!!!
i'm really glad to be home......
thanks for listening
Hi Jenny,
I'm usually a lurker on this board but I have been reading your posts as you had your surgery in Rochester where I did. So sorry to hear you had such a hard time & had to be admitted. I was very nausea & light headed up until a month or so ago & they told me it was just my body adjusting. I had an endoscopy as well and went for upper gi.
So glad to hear your on the mend & continue eating those bananas!!

(((HUG))) JENNY!
i am so sorry your going thru all this craziness
but i think they found your trouble finally and thats positive.
YES i am good that i put 1/4 banana in my shakes a few times
a week to help with the pottassium. ANOTHER sign for potassium
is leg cramps.
LETS hope this will help you to feel better and go forward with things.
ALL the best!!!
and do check in and let us know your
your feeling!