26 sugar / No Dumping?
I unknowingly drank the NON SUGAR FREE version of a drink - It had 26 gram of sugar. I drank it and didn't really like it. It wasn't until later that evening that I realized I drank the one WITH sugar.
Does this mean I do not have dumping syndrome?
I am a little nervous now ... I liked having that fear that "I may be one that will dump."
Now, thinking I don't is going to make this journey even HARDER!
Thanks in advance for your responses!
Hi Britt,
I don't think it necessarily means you won't dump if you drank it again or tried something else with sugar in it. According to my doctor and what I've read, it can happen sometimes and not other times.
I understand how you feel tho since I don't dump. I have mixed feelings about it too.
Continued good luck to you.
I dont think its a definite clue.
BEING 18 months out i find sometimes i do sometimes i dont.
MORE times i dont.
BUT if i eat a sweet on an empty pouch i will get sick.
BUT if i have eaten and fuller with some carbs and stuff
i dont dump.
the smaller the amount i have i dont the larger i might.
I didnt test these waters till after a year
but was horrible eater thru the holidays this year.
Thi will only work against youif you allow the mindset in. Make it an experiment you NEVER work on finding out. Reality is very few dump, stats say 5% or less and that is EARLY preop, Dumping is not the means by which WLS works, its the restriction not even the malabsorbtion..Keeping to the lifestyle focus and chanes will guide you, as again u cantest the waters (knowingly ornot) that is your CHOICE you are in control, keep repeating that. Dumping is also based on type like an oreo may not do it but a fig newton could it is also quantity and what u eat it with.... Work on positive reframe you will not choose this minute to testm go minute by minute u can do it! Hugs and forgive yourself dear bumps in the road happen, u will get over this one!
It does not mean you don't have dumping. Somethings have a bigger effect than others. That is my problem. Certain things I dump on 12 grams of sugar and some things much higher I don't dump. Just be careful and don't try it again. Cause like me, I found out I can have the cakes, cookies etc. I have a high tolerance to sugar. Bad idea.
Just keep an eye out on what you are eating.
(deactivated member)
on 1/12/07 10:12 pm - MT
on 1/12/07 10:12 pm - MT
I know how you are feeling hun and it happens to most of us, this is the time when you really start to take this control and beat this eating monster. Making new habits is hard to do and it takes so much work but it is so worth it.
I know for my dumping, like others have said, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I always say that I will and it helps at times keeping me away from the bad stuff. This is a new lifestyle and takes some time to get used to.
I know this is scary as well, once you know you might be able to hold something down it becomes a battle, I try not to push this but I have to admit, sometimes I do.
This is when the new learning comes into play.
I wish you all the best, you are doing so AWESOME!

Debra P