new newbie here!!
Hello all.. !!!
I am pretty new I've posted s few time and got great answers.. Just wanted to say hi!!
I am very much wanting the Roux-N-Y surgery and am making an appointment now for a referral to Albany med bariatrics from my primary now that I just got MVP insurance here in upstate NY. I have a bmi of 44 and weigh over 245 lbs & and i'm 5'3" tall.
I'm afraid of rejection..I'm pessimistic.. My Dr had mentioned WLS over a year ago but I never persued it. I don't have a chronic illness's like diabetes (although my grandmother died from diabetes,my mother and my aunt both have diabetes ( my aunt's diabetes is literally killing her and she problably won't make it another year ) & my uncle and brother both have diabetes . I do get winded after short walks and have high cholestrol. Is that enough to be considered for WLS?
I appreciate the help! thanks!

Hi Rae, I just had surgery with the albany medical center and the #1 requirement is to be 100lbs over weight. I did not have any major medical issues accept for hip, knee, and asthma. Most of the problems are with your inssurance carrier what they require and then Albany will find a way to get the acceptance. Good luck It's a wonderfull program.