Hi Everyone

on 1/9/07 4:15 am - new york, NY
Hello everyone. Just wanted to thank everyone again for all their well wishes. I am doing ok. Still some soreness and pain where the tumor was removed. Drains {2} of them very uncomfortable however I go see the plastic surgeon tomorrow and they should be comming out. WooHooo. I am also quite swollen that should gradually go away. Other then that I am wonderful! My family has been more then Great helping me out. My older kids are wonderful espically my daughter helping with the babies. Thank God for them and even my husband has gone above and beyond with helping me. My parents as well have been babysitting and letting me rest when they can. I just feel blessed all around. Family , friends, and all of you guys. Thank you again. I will update again soon. I also want to wish all the people scheduled in the next few weeks much luck for a textbook surgery and quick and easy recovery. I want to congradulate all the newbies and let them know they made a great choice..best of luck. All the oldtimers keep up the good work. think of all the positive things you have done. Stop being so hard on yourselves for {getting back an appetite}. Just stop and think about what you have done, how you have felt and keep focused. If there are issues you have that have not been dealt with causing you to stress and eat, DEAL with them NOW before you spiral totally out of control. Lean on each other we need that support. And finally LOVE YOU ALL....................... LisaMarie
on 1/9/07 8:02 am - Ridge, NY
AWWw no need to thank us lisamarie I am so happy to see your recovering so nicely! BEFORE you know it you will be getting around well! We are all patiently waiting pics when your all healed and recovery! HUGS!
on 1/9/07 5:55 pm - new york, NY
Thanks Lisa, your such a great friend both here and in life...THanks for all your support. Love ya LisaMarie
Amy C.
on 1/9/07 8:29 am - Old Chatham, NY
Glad to know you are doing well. So happy also, to know that you have a supportive family. Awesome. Thanks for the chin up for us oldtimers. Getting an appetite back isn't really making me be hard on myself, it's more just scary. I haven't lost weight in over two months. I think it started out as a plateau, but now, I'm eating more and just maintaining. I'm going to a support group meeting tomorrow night. Maybe that will help get me on track. Meanwhile, rest and heal well. Aside from swollen and full of drains, can you see a difference in your tummy? Hugs to you, Aim
on 1/9/07 5:57 pm - new york, NY
Thanks Amy you have been wonderful to me here as well and i appreciate all your support. It is scary getting that appetite back but WE CAN DO IT.......we have come this far we are going to win this battle....I know i am...LOL..... Oh wow i see a huge difference in my tummy even with the drains and swelling, i cant imagine what it will look like when its all healed....SO EXCITING......... Thanks again LisaMarie
Tavia V
on 1/9/07 8:30 am - Long Island, NY
You are too cute and too fabulous for words...and that is all I have to say!! Love ya and all of your gang. Feel better soon!
on 1/9/07 6:01 pm - new york, NY
Tavia you know i love you and your family just as much......Kids keep asking when you guys are comming back...My little men love your little man. And the big babies with the wii SHEESH.....Hope your feeling good, you are my inspiration. You keep me positive watching you and all you have been through and continue to go through yet you stay so happy and positive and optimistic. How can i not with a role model like you. Your the best. And an amazing friend. Thank you LisaMarie
on 1/9/07 11:53 pm - Long Island, NY
Hi LisaMarie, I'm glad to hear that you are doing well and that you are getting such great support at home. Take it easy and I hope your recovery goes smoothly! Mary
on 1/10/07 7:13 am - Ravena, NY
Welcome Back! Take care of yourself...you are an inspiration to us as well! LindaM
Purple Passion
on 1/10/07 7:52 pm - Little Falls, NJ
Hopefully you are feeling a bit better by now and have those drains out. I just wanted to say welcome home and wish you a super speedy recovery. You are so inspiring to me....always. Thanks for that. Rachelle
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