Best WLS Quote

(deactivated member)
on 1/7/07 3:11 am - Boca Raton, FL
"After the euphoria of rapid weight loss fades, a harsh reality appears: Life is still tough even if you can fit in an airplane seat." Hugs, Karen
on 1/7/07 6:38 am - UPSTATE, NY
Karen: Yes indeed reality is after The honeymoon life can still be stressful and sometimes even more so. We discover that losing wt didn't make us happy and take care of all the bad things in our lives/relationships etc. Don't get me wrong it is a wonderful tool but this reality is a challenge at times to accept!!!Afterall we had the irrational belief that after we lost wt everything would be perfect (or close to it right!) Because we may of been so unhappy while obese it reinforced this false thought!!! THE 'WLS DREAM' It just doesn't happen.....(how we envision it!)...Most people who have WLS look forward to all the 'wonderful' things they want to happen to them when they reach their goal weight...Clothes, comfort with self, increased social activity, no more isolation/loneliness, improved health, enriched relationships...and much more. WHAT we sometimes FAIL TO CONSIDER IS THE LONG JOURNEY FROM WHERE we ARE PREOP TO WHERE we WANT TO BE...FORGOTTEN OBSTACLES...NO MATTER HOW INFORMED/EDUCATED we ARE NO ONE CAN fully PREPARE FOR THE DIFFICULT ADJUSTMENTS..MANY FEEL THERE IS SORT OF A 'MAGIC' TO WLS. MEANING 'MAGICALLY' THEY WILL SURVIVE SURGERY, RECOVER, MAKE ALL THE LIFESTYLE ADJUSTMENTS NECESSARY TO LIVE A NEW LIFE. IT IS A RUDE AWAKENING WHEN we RUN INTO OBSTACLES ON THIS PATH sometimes.... Loss of food...THIS CAN BE EMOTIONALLY PAINFUL IN DIRECT CONTRAST TO PREOP WHEN ONE COULD EAT WHATEVER, WHENEVER IN WHATEVER AMOUNTS THEY WISHED...DEALING WITH TRIGGERS PLACES, TIME, EMOTIONS...CONTROLLING CRAVINGS...EATING IN RESPONSE TO A CRAVING SETS YOU UP FOR SELF SABOTAGE ...WEIGHT PLATEAU...1ST FEW MONTHS RAPID WT LOSS..BEGINS TO SLOW..CAN STOP COMPLETELY FOR A FEW WEEKS...NEED TO CONTINUE ROUTINE AND NOT GET DISCOURAGED/DEPRESSED...EXCESS SKIN! etc....... Having Realistic expectations can help...That it is just... A tool to CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE! We will need To relearn healthy habits, self responsibility and accountability. We WILL NEED TO CHANGE OUR LIFE & MIND to be successful long-term, otherwise this too can be a 1 year failed diet attempt!!! Psychological Issues Emerge...LEFT UNRESOLVED CAN LEAD TO SELF SABOTAGE! It takes extraordinary courage to consciously limit food choices for the rest of your life (and potentially limit social opportunities built around meals). SURGICAL SUCCESS REQUIRES THAT THE PATIENT INITIATES AND MAINTAINS DRAMATIC HABIT AND ATTITUDE CHANGES..... KAREN THANKS FOR THE QUOTE!!!IT SUMS UP A LOT! Take Care, Jamie 100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY 320(preop)/163 (lowest)/174 (current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery) Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King "Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
on 1/7/07 9:48 am - Arverne, NY
RNY on 12/15/03 with
Jamie, Hi there I just logged on and read your post and I am in tears. I don't know why but you have said everything that has made me feel very comforted and not alone at all. I am 3 years post-op . I had my surgery on 12/15/03. Keep posting and I will look forward to reading when I can. Happy New Year!!! Lorraine
on 1/12/07 8:48 am - UPSTATE, NY
Lorraine: Consider joining my group: Reality is a challenge, ther is nothing any longterm postie can do or say to clearly describe reality to anyone in the honeymoon...It is a time of smoke and mirrors sadly for many, the statements you read "100# lost forever" "I can eat anything and not exercise and still lose wt" "I will never regain, I will reach an ideal wt, that won't be me, I won't go back"....They are easy to believe but a challenge to live at times. Asking people to consider many postops realities as typical is all we can do, showing the challenges, obstacles and that we can change and be self responsible and accountable and consistent, we can work onour heads and succeed beyond 1 yr....Stay around to offer hope and dispell any shame some many feel if they didnt meet their goal (and show what a realistic one is 50% excess NOT thin!), regained (typical) or fell off track or their appetite returned or they can eat more or they are having emotional issues, carb cravingsetc the sugar addiction can be light off in an instant, the carb monster always lies in wake but we can work on it together! Take Care, Jamie 100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY 320(preop)/163 (lowest)/174 (current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery) Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King "Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
on 1/8/07 3:47 am - NY
Beautifully well put Jamie. You are becomming a valuable tool for me so if ever you wonder if you're making or have made a difference in someone's life, you have, MINE! Please be well and keep on holding us accountable. What you wrote is so true for me that I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes. I keep thinking I can make it through this journey without getting therapy and with every week that passes I am realizing more and more I need to work out my food issues. Thank you again and be well, ANDI
Amy C.
on 1/7/07 7:02 pm - Old Chatham, NY
I'm just beginning to find out that truth myself. Not bad fitting into the airplane seat tho.... Thanks Karen! Hugs, Amy
on 1/7/07 11:12 pm - new york, NY
Thats a true quote however i like "nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!" Your doing great. LisaMarie
(deactivated member)
on 1/7/07 11:37 pm - Basom, NY
Thanks for the quote Karen. I hope to find that out someday (soon) hopefully! Betsy
shannon arnold
on 1/8/07 10:59 am - Coopers Plains, NY
I love the quote " Now I eat to live, not live to eat " . That about sums it up for me. Shannon
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