WOW moment!!
So I started training to run a 5K today. I was at the walking trail and my friend and I came across a mutual friend of ours. We were laughing and talking and I realized I hadn't seen this guy in months. He just sorta stopped, looked at me and said, "I'm sorry, do I know you?" Like he was trying to place me. It floored me!! I guess I didn't realize I looked that much different that an acquaintence of mine wouldn't know me, but....! WOW!
That was fantabulous! I let him know who I was and his mouth just fell to the ground! He was like, "You look different!" Well, to be fair, I have lost 154 pounds, so.....!! Yeah, I just wanted to share that with ya'll. Have a great day and make great choices!
Jen Halliday

Hi Jen,
Now I realize why I didn't recognize you right off. It's those awesome glasses you wear. You look sooooo amazing, you're a beautiful girl, and have a beautiful spirit that just shines right from your heart. Keep up the awesome work, and I vow to not have any pretzels tonight, I'll just take it day to day. I did have some mixed nuts though after I got home. Hopefully I will be able to make meeting next time. Don't know how things will be with Dad at that time, but will try to make it. If I can't go I will fill you in, so that you can let the others know what is going on. Have a great night, and keep on enjoying that WOW moment, they keep on happening when you least expect it, that is where a lot of my motivation comes from. I just feels so good.