Hoodia and the carb monster

Amy C.
on 1/2/07 7:02 pm - Old Chatham, NY
Hello my friends, and happy New Year! I am reaching out to you wonderful people, because I am lost in a forrest of carbs and increasing tolerance and need to find my way out. Since the holidays, and the junk fest at the office and at home, I have tested my tolerence and found that sugar does not make me dump. My worst fear come true. I haven't completely lost it, just a taste here and a small piece there. Before the holidays, I was on a plateau from he** and was feeling frustrated by that, so I'm sure my frustration added to my nibbling mania. I am still plateauing...8 weeks and counting. I have steadfastedly been exercising every day for at least 35 minutes to an hour, and have been pretty good about getting my water in. But the eating and the appetite are scaring me! Has anyone heard of Hoodia? What do you know, if so? Esp in folks who've had gastric bypass surgery.... Thanks in advance for listening and any input! xoxoxoxo Happy New Year! Amy
on 1/2/07 8:48 pm - albany, NY
well i have finally found someone who is speaking the same language as me, i have asked this kind of question in the past and got "are you nuts", I just wanted to take something that would help me not to snack, I have had the same problem as you, I don't dump. I have been back into the picking mode again, I try to pick on healthy stuff, but they keep all this junk around the office and the stuff just walks upto your face and says eat me. I find myself fighting with me not to touch it but i never win, I had my surgury may 2004, luckely I haven't gained anything, but If I don't stay in control of what I eat it will start to come back on, so I continue to fight and I figure that is what I will have to do the rest of my life. My thought are with you and I hope you find a way out of this surgar, carb madness
Amy C.
on 1/3/07 6:16 am - Old Chatham, NY
Yes it certainly sounds like we are speaking the same language indeed. It is maddening, this wayward lust for carbs. I am trying to find out information about Hoodia, the appetite suppressant from Africa. Do you know anything about it? You must be so proud of yourself not to have gained anything since surgery. You go girl! I have been plateauing for 8 weeks, and I'm only 8 months out! Very frustrating! Anyway, thanks for your reply and keep fighting the good fight! Amy
(deactivated member)
on 1/2/07 10:03 pm - MT
Amy, Yeak I think many of us have felt this, this year, testing the waters is normal but I am with you on the not dumping at times. I know sometimes it hits me and it lets me know it is still there but it is far and few between since I am out more. We have to know that since the surgery we are more aware of this and now we take some actions to help where before we did nothing, letting us gain 10-15 lbs during the holidays! Debra P
Amy C.
on 1/3/07 6:19 am - Old Chatham, NY
You're right Debra. Better to maintain, than to gain, for sure...especially during this time of the year, but I am ready to scream with the cravings I have been having. I don't want to cut carbs totally out of my diet, because that seems extreme and might lead to the deprivation/binge cycle, but carbs have such an evil side effect of making you want more it seems you can't win for losing. Anyway, thanks as always for your feedback. I value all your advice and thoughts so much. xox Amy
on 1/3/07 8:07 am - Ridge, NY
HEY AMY and DEBRA.... I too am having tuff times.... scared, eating wrong and also i dont seem to react to the evil foods right now. SO hard.......... the carbs are evil i agree, one leads to another to more and that uncontrolled eating. I would be curious if hoodia would help and if its weight loss surgery patient safe...... SO scary were we are. i havent lost weight in six months so im frustrated.
Amy C.
on 1/3/07 8:16 am - Old Chatham, NY
Hi Lis, I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling too. I am putting a lot of feelers out about Hoodia. If I find anything interesting out, I'll surely let you know. A friend of mine said she saw a News thing on TV about a group of people, including a gastric bypass patient, who had had great success with Hoodia. I'll have to find out more about that. I have a call out to my nutritionist and an email out to my PCP. Very challanging, indeed. Chin up, my friend. We will conquer this. xoxo Aim
on 1/3/07 9:28 am - albany, NY
could you e-mail me if you find out about the Hoodia, my e-mail address is [email protected]. I have heard of Hoodia, my daughter did a little research on it and found that the real stuff is from Africa and that they really don't have enough of it in the pills they sell here, but I would be interested in hearing what your nutritionist say. thanks, Margaret
(deactivated member)
on 1/3/07 9:36 am - Cincinnati, OH
OMG Amy, I don't dump on sugar either unless its a really really high amt. I can have candy, cakes etc and not dump. Its driving me crazy cause I gained some weight back. I'm lost. Marie
on 1/3/07 9:38 am - UPSTATE, NY
Amy: There was a lot of hype over Hoodia a while back on the WLS boards. As with any 'magic pill, potion, formula etc that sounds to good to be true it usually is', IMHO (*or if Hoodia worked why isn't everyone thin and not gobbling carbs yahno?) the diet industry is simmply out to take the desperite consumer from their money that is the goal. We all know all to well about this and that WLS is the only proven metod having significant success longterm and food planning/exercise that is consistently healthy and avoids most emotional eating. I know you know and feel the desperation you speak/write of now. I appreciae that, it is the same thing that has others running to Weigh****chers etc, except diets, diet pills never worked and aren't the answer, carbs/sugar have strong ability to soothe emotions quite frankly, in addition to those of us who are carb sensitive one bite triggers more and more..slippery slope. For me IMHO it is the self awareness, consistency and accountability w/ food chaoices and exercise that matter most and PROTEIN POWER.. This is my recipe for success toefeat the carb monster... Tried and true many times for self and others guarenteed w/o side-effects, costly potions or pills that once u stop the wt comes back or can cause issues , also w Hoodia no one knows due to lack regulation if there is active ingredient, purity etc of any suppliment.... Working on the emotional issues and why we sabotage self, why we numb emotions and ways to do it different even myself I am still hard working onthis, never goes away andif anything is more challenging after 6 mo, someone else said that at 18 mo they are on a 6 mo plateau w no wt loss/ Well most dont lose that far out typically 6 mo u lose 2/3 of what u will lose some lose to 1 yr most though that is it a few lucky ones get 18-24 mo but not typical wt maintenance is what is a focus for those beyond 1 y IMHO again... Sl u will see So beach mentioned as a way of life not diet, the philosphy fits wls to a T and is really sound nutritionally in my mind. it ebs/flows w life in phases 1-3 u can move... Hugs! Jamie U can do it I beleive in u! PS I sent u a few emails on this topic as well... MY recipe for success: FIRST YOU IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM SECOND YOU FORMULATE A PLAN OF ACTION! THIRD you post it here so we can support you (Being accountable to someone outside of self helps!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOW MY PLAN was it takes about 3 days to overcome the HORRID/VICIOUS carb addiction cycle for MOST (the physical aspect that is)... SO STEP ONE: I detoxed my house of all foreseeable triggers/carbs. (Join me on the pitch and ditch car) STEP TWO: I loaded my home with things allowable such as cheese sticks, pepperoni, jerky, eggs (hardboiled a few ahead), sandwich meats, stocked up on shakes so I had variety for the 3-5 a day I could use, low carb veggies etc..... STEP THREE: I was following the south beach phase 1 plan (adding shakes as above), so I had the book and there is a document explaining the reason it works/the plan in the files under http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/OSSG_Off_track/files/ first folder back on track tips and plans.. Karen B's timer plan is there and many find that SO helpful! I KEPT IT HANDY TO READ/REREAD in times of crisis. STEP FOUR: Place motivational sayings all over, on computer on fridge (like nothing tastes as good as healthy & thin feels), you can do this, its only a craving and will pass in a few minutes! STEP FIVE: List a bunch of things to do to pass time when a craving happens (it will happen and it will pass!) take a walk, drink a cup of water, have a shake, call a friend, email a friend, email the group, brush your teeth, listen to music, pet an animal (walk the dog), journal your feelings, give self a mani/pedicure, deep breathing/relaxation, go for a ride (bike or car) etc chew gum, have a sf hard candy. HAVE IT HANDY, as when we are impulsive it's hard to think so go to the list not everything will work all the time but it helps delay! STEP SIX: MUST PLAN, plan meal, prepare take fluid and food with you, if you fail to plan you plan to fail as we say here on off track. THIS is about progress, NOT perfection so don't beat self up, know that things improve with each passing day u get the refined carbs outta your body. It really gets easier cause if you don't put the junk in the hunger really decreases it is amazing!>>>>Again south beach worked for me...took me 1 mo to lose my 10# regain following this it was the hardest week 1, after that hunger was minimal and my willpower could handle the HEAD cravings (it couldn't handle the physically driven ones from how I was eating...bread=hunger kinda thing)... STEP SEVEN: WRITE IT DOWN if it goes in your mouth, at least week one...then tell us how u r doing, many use www.fitday.com and I also recommend exercise of some way shape or form for the body soul and mind! TOGETHER WE CAN DO THIS! IT is hard, but you just gotta do it....READY SET GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another saying we have is its WHAT U DO 90% of the time that matters, this strict carb reduction isn't forever, you can reintroduce things at a later date, for now it is no carbs like bread & crackers cause they aren't your friend, they give lots of calories and little nutritional value and well they make u hungry sooner with NO satiety (full feeling) I agree a burger or a pork chop sits with me for hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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