Being Held Accountable
(deactivated member)
on 1/1/07 10:31 pm - MT
on 1/1/07 10:31 pm - MT
Well I hope you all had a great holiday! Mine was so nice and I really enjoyed this last week that I had off from work. Ok so I got through this years holidays but not without doing some damage I am afraid, I have gained about 6 lbs over this last 3 weeks
though I know most of it is water weight since I did not drink my water over this break, eat some very salty things these last 3 days but I also know I was eating things I really should not have so this is the time that I need to be held accountable for my actions and take measures to get myself back on track.
I see when I got into work today that there is food still sitting here, can anyone tell me how I can avoid this but not wanting to through this stuff out since it is really not my food that I brought in? This was food left over from the party on Friday before Christmas and I know others do not want to be eating this either. I know to JUST NOT EAT IT but I am having a hard time with that right now so if there is anything else that I can try please offer J
My 2 new goals are:
To get back on track with the healthier way of eating
Starting to make exercise 3 times a week as a habit
Anyone else want to list there's?

Debra P

I too am battling very similar to u but im not gonna say my gain is water weight...
i picked on things i know I should not have thru the holidays and now the scale reflects it.
AS for your food at the office! Well i would toss foods without guilt that are from before the holidays! THATs me ...i always throw things out weekly in my fridge at home.
IM with you to getting back on the excerise wagon too. I started before the holidays but then TOM came, and holidays and i slacked! SO i too want to get on that wagon too. I am okay if i dont loose new lbs but I dont want to loose control and need to get off the few pounds i put on thru the holiday season too and not keep adding to those.
YOU sound like your getting on track by amitting it here!
I am having a good eating day!
AND i know if i rid my life of evil carbs for a week it will get easier.
(deactivated member)
on 1/2/07 1:45 am - MT
on 1/2/07 1:45 am - MT
Yes I guess I should NOT say mine is water weight as well
.....I know I was eating things that I should not have been so I guess I will just have to see what the scale says next week.
I gave the unopened stuff to a co worker for his church food pantry....the other open stuff I am hoping others will pick on it and make it go away before to long.
Thanks for the post hun ~hugs~ I am hoping your holidays were a good one... 
Debra P

Yes my holidays were really nice.
ASIDE from i know i was eating all the things i know im
not supposed to. LAST year it was so much easier for me.
THE smell of most things would make me grossed out and then
i didnt need to taste things. THIS year was so different. I have one
more party on the 5th my husbands work party then im soo done.
THIS one im not to convcerned of. I proly will toss up the food
if its prepaid anytime in advance.....i still have that fussy premade left
over pouch grouch.
GLAD your makeing plans for that food surrounding you.
I know i send the kids to schoo lwith tons of cookies in their
lunch boxes to share with all their friends just to rid the last of the home
made things around here.
(deactivated member)
on 1/2/07 3:23 am - MT
on 1/2/07 3:23 am - MT
Yes it seems to be working, others are eating the food I could not give away because it was opened already.
I will get back on track I know and for that I am so greatful since before the surgery I would have gained about 15 lbs and NOT even wanted or cared if I took it back off.....
Things are so different right now and I have to remember that so it does not upset me at times. Habits are hard to change but it is moving forward so that is good.

Debra P

(deactivated member)
on 1/2/07 3:20 am - MT
on 1/2/07 3:20 am - MT
Now that is funny and a good idea I might add.
Hey if it works then so be it.
Debra P

(deactivated member)
on 1/2/07 3:24 am - MT
on 1/2/07 3:24 am - MT
YES I think that would be just awesome! Let me know what I can do to help you with this!
Debra P

Debra, Yeah I got a little carried away over the holidays and havn't been to the ymca since mid December!!! so my goals are to get my fat butt back to the ymca and get myself on track before I slip alltogether.It's so easy to slip into those old habbits so setting some new goals is a good plan of action!Hope your Holidays were good! OK WHO'S NEXT? WE NEED SOME COMMITMENTS