Having Surgery Next Week
Hi everyone. Hope your holidays have been great. I have discussed this a bit before but i am scheduled for surgery next thursday Jan 4th to have a tumor{non cancer} removed from my pelvis. I have had the tumor for over a year but it has become more uncomfortable with time and needs to come out. THe positive to this story is since i have to have it removed i consulted a plastic surgeon and i am going to be able to get some reconstruction done at the same time. So it makes the surgery a little better. So I will of course update everyone once its all said and done..
Hope everyone has a Very HAPPY NEW YEAR!
OF course you know you will be in my prayers during your surgery!
If there is anything i can do just phone .....all the best!!!! EVEN if your
kids want to come out and spend some time at my house the invite is there to help!!!
and dont hesitate at all.
GOOD LUCK and i wish you a perfect text book surgery!