I am new and had the lapband surgery last monday dec 18. I went to my doctor yesterday and she told me i lost from 324 to 309 making it a total of 15lbs. Yes i am happy but i dont feeld it. I have always been fat all my life and want to know will this lapband help me to lost the weight. I know it is a toll, which i am using carefully and strictly. Can anyone help me or give me thier success story?
Hi Carol. First off welcome to the loosers side....COngrats on having your surgery. Now that of course was the easy part. Now is the work. You have lost 15 pounds already and thats wonderful...Yes the band is a tool....you have to make it work. If you want to read success stories just click on anyone in this forums profile....everyone here is an inspiration. we are here for you...keep up the good work.
You are off to a great start. It takes while for your head to catch up to your physical changes. For me it took me 3 months to realize wow this surgery is actually working. Just a little background about me I'm going on 4 years post -op. I had a rny .I started out weighting 282 pounds and currently weigh between 140-145. I lost on average about 15 pounds but eventually made it to my goal weight.
Best of luck !!! I know you will do Great.
Hi Carol
Welcome to the boards. My name is Marie. I had RNY on July 18, 2005 and have lost 150 pounds. It was an easy road for me but now its not so easy. I am struggling because I CAN EAT...........
Can I ask you? Why the Lap Band at 324 pounds. Why not RNY?
Remember, our surgery, no matter which one, is just a tool. You have to make it work and sometimes its a struggle. Especially when you get far out.
If you need anything, we are here for you.
Hi Carol,
what you are feeling is what I beleive we have all felt. I am 7 months post op and have lost 149lbs total and I still do not feel thin. I too have always been heavy and while I know I now fit into a size 40 jeans dwon from size 54. I do not picture myself as the thinner me unless I really work on it. Yes I can do a lot more then I could before and it is great but my head at times still goes back to the OLD me which is frustrating.
Good luck with your tool and always know we are here if you need us.
What you are asking is 2 different things, first can the lap band assit you in losing weight? Yes, this depends on YOU and YOUR choices...You are corect it is a tool, either used or not that is UP 2 U!!! Your longterm success is up to you and th band should help it be less of a challenge than preband but there are ways to sabotage it (grazing, soft calorie syndrome, eating high calorie foods, drinking calories, not exercising etc)...
Secondly you ask wil you ever not feel fat? Well that depends on the emotional work you do or not regardless of your success/wt loss, the body image issues can stay even if we get to an ideal wt (for myself I can speak of this)..The brain may take many more months to catchup and many emotional issues can play out along the journey esp at yrs 2-4 for many they pop up when we least epect it. I say get into therapy now and work as much as u can on the emotional stuf that the band can not asit with, we are obese for many reasons and the treatment needs to be multifctorial, we are prone to revert to obesity so arming ourselves w al the tool we can is our only defense! Be well. feel free to read my profile I m 4+ ys out and maintain a wt loss of 157 uopp/dpwn 10# to me thats success! My body image I am still a work in oprogress.. It doesnt matter what the scale says or others say it matters what I feel inside and say to myself! Happiness can never come from an external source (Person, pbject, belonging etc) it has to come from within ourselves...
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02
Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45 before Surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've
decided to see beyond the imperfections!"

15 lbs. in 9 days? I'd say you are doing fantastic!! I had my rny surgery 12*08*05. I have lost 135 lbs. so far. It does take work to keep losing, but the benefits are amazing!! One day you will be able to do something you have not been able to do, and they will keep on happening. Trust me, I started out at 401 lbs., even though I still weigh 265 lbs, I feel delightful. You will fwwl that way too! Best of luck and hang in there!!

I had lap band surgury on 11/29/06. I know it's only been a month but I've lost about 23 pounds. If you think about it, that's about a pound a day, that's pretty amazing being that is took me over 6 months to lose that at weigh****chers. Don't forget after 3 months or so you can have the band adjusted to be smaller, hence losing more weight quicker. The band the way it is now is really designed to eat a healthy lifestyle, so think after you lose all the weight and they take the water our of the band you can maintain the weight. I think you are trying to forsee a disaster, it will really happen, really.