hernia anyone??

Johanna V.
on 12/18/06 11:07 am - New York, NY
Question: Has anyone gotten hernias sice their surgery..and y?? thx
(deactivated member)
on 12/18/06 1:37 pm - Cincinnati, OH
Hernia's are very common. Just try to refrain from lifting anything too heavy. Especially for the first 8 weeks post-op. Marie
on 12/18/06 7:34 pm - UPSTATE, NY
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hernia read this link for info on hernias... Incisional Hernias are a risk of WLS, the lap approach reduces the risk to ALMOST 0% vs the open per the literature can be as high as 20% risk! Take Care, Jamie 100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY 320(preop)/163 (lowest)/174 (current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery) Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King www.albanyplasticsurgeons.com http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/jamiecatlady5/ "Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
Tavia V
on 12/18/06 7:59 pm - Long Island, NY
Hi, There are a couple of different types of hernias so I am not sure which one you want information about. I developed an internal hernia close to a year and half out. They just happen and there is not way to stop internal hernias, I believe the theory is the rapid weight loss causes space in the abdomen causing bowel to herniate. Incisional hernias are think are just from weakness in the lining of the abdomen causing your insides to push on through. I think those are mostly from open surgeries.
on 12/18/06 11:07 pm - LAKE WORTH, FL
hey there I also have an internal hernia and im a nervous wreck, did yours cause pain and discomfort??? under my left rib area.... did they fix yours?????
Tavia V
on 12/19/06 1:25 am - Long Island, NY
Hi, Yes it was painful. If you have an internal hernia, oh boy do you know it! Its not "oops I ate a cookie" type of pain,"it's someone get a gun and shoot me pain" There are a couple of specific spots in RNY patients where internal hernias grow which are all around the surgery itself which is located on the left side under the ribs. Has your surgeon diagnosed you with an internal hernia?(they can be seen on ct-scans) Are you sure you arent talking about an incisional hernia? Not to scare you but internal hernias are considered an emergency b/c they can get bad really quick and need to be watched closely. Good luck!
on 12/19/06 2:21 am - LAKE WORTH, FL
hi tavia. I had a ct scan on saturday and drank all that crape and they did the dye and all it showed was a cyst on my left ovarie. !!! so im not sure what i have going on. Its a nagging cramp. Almost like menstrual. But it is located under my left boob and rib area. They thought maybe internal hernia or the cyst. But the pain im having cant be from a cyst. I read up on them. So after the holidays i have to go and get a vaginal ultra sound and go to the gyno for results. But im confused about this. The pain comes and goes doesnt stay. and its in the left area, like a pulled aching mucsle. Oh im soooooo frustrated. please try and advise. my surgery date was june 7th 06 from 285 pounds to 190 as of today. also i have no vomitting, no fever and little or no diareah. this is strange
Tavia V
on 12/19/06 3:01 am - Long Island, NY
Does your surgeon know about all of this? This is the person who you should be talking to about all of this. If it is indeed an internal hernia it's a surgicial complication and he/she is responsible for helping you, nevermind the dummies in the hospital. Did the surgeon him/herself review the ct-scan films? Make sure he/she does. *****ad the ct-scan? The radiologist? My WLS surgeon says 8 out of 10 radiologists do not even know how to read a ct-scan for a RNY patient well, let alone spot internal hernias. Sometimes the only way for them to catch an internal hernia is to take a look in your belly b/c sometimes when they are growing/tiny they can't been seen on a CT-Scan. Oh please cysts do not mean anything and besides your ovaries are all the way down in your pelvis and wouldn't cause pain all the way up your ribs. In house doctors always want to blame things on stupid things. I also have cysts on my ovaries(lord knows I have taken enough ct-scans and they are big with fluid supposedly (sorry if its TMI) and I have no symptoms of those at all. Email me if you need more help/info! [email protected].
Johanna V.
on 12/18/06 9:12 pm - New York, NY
Well this is good to know...thx u ladies.. ur info was very helpful have a good day!!!
on 12/18/06 10:59 pm - LAKE WORTH, FL
i have one as we speak and i will go back to the DR after the holidays.. its under my left rib and its annoying ... are you o?? do u have one??? its an easy fix dont worry.. lol veronica in south florida
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