Can someone out there help us?
Hello all,
Here is my story. My son and I had Lap Band surgery 4 years ago and we are having a hard time getting our reconstructive surgery done, I am a single parent and cannot afford out of pocket expenses at all. I have Blue Cross and my son has HIP Medicaid. We both went through with the procedure in August of 2002 by a terrific doctor and still to this date have hanging, ugly skin that we are surely not proud of. Is there anyone who knows of a good surgeon who WILL perform our surgeries using the insurance that we currently have? I have 3 children and I have never been to the beach nor the pool with them when I was obese and now nothing has changed as I still do not have the confidence with the hanging, saggy skin (same for my son). Please, if you have any information please share it with us. It is truely a shame that you feel bad about being overweight and to still feel the same way after losing it. I have been doing seminars on obesity at hospitals here in New York and I have also helped numerous people achieve their weightloss goals. Any help will be deeply appreciated. Thank You!
I can be reached at: [email protected]
It's not the doctors, it's the insurance and your situation....
I'm not aware of ANY healt insurance that will cover plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes.
If it's not excluded entirely, the only way I'm aware of that insurance will cover plastic surgery is if it's to correct a SYMPTOMATIC problem.... not a cosmetic one.
in other words, if you have documented history of problems that can be directly attributed to the excess skin (persistent rashes, infections, other irritating anomalies) THEN your insurance will probably cover it.
the fact that "it looks ugly" is of no concern as far as your insurance goes.
I wish you luck
Hello Sean,
Thanks for responding. All of the things you mentioned, I do know. Silly me, I should have rephrased what I said. Anyhow, we are now submitting to the insurance companies the "effects" and not the "looks" as you stated. We do have problems with our saggy skin so hopefully this will work out. Sometimes you just need to hear it from someone else I guess (smile). Again, thank you.
Hello Dawn,
I feel your plight, believe me! I believe that this entire thing should be a package deal, that was my understanding when my son and I had our surgeries done. I wish you all the luck in getting your reconstructive surgery done. It is although a fact that if you do not go at these insurance companies with a history of "excess skin related" problems, chances are they will say no. I have heard of people with 1199 insurance getting it done on their first request, no questions asked...hmmmmm... By the way, I lost a total of 140 lbs. My biggest weight was 329 but I was about 315 at the time of my sugery, my doctor is Dr. Teixiera. If I come across any ideas, I will surely share them. Take care and again, good luck!
Hi Brooke:
Sorry about what you're going through. It's a problem for most all of us who have lost so much weight so quickly. As stated earlier, the insurance companies feel that removing the excess skin is a cosmetic proceedure, not something that is causing any physical detriment; it certainly is an emotional one. I think I heard of someone saying that they were experiencing a terrible rash and subsequent infection and they were approved for the surgery. I am pretty sure that that is probably the exception to the rule and I'm not suggesting that you lie, but these insurance companies are really out of control.
Just last week, my doctor gave me a prescription for Advair or some allergy medicine. My insurance company wanted my doctor to call them and tell them why I needed this particular medicine because they didn't want to pay ( meanwhile, I'm paying close to $500 a month for COBRA because my insurance doesn't kick in at my new job until I've been there 60 days). Needless to say, I have a package of over-the-counter Claritin waiting for me at the drug store
Best of luck to you and your son and I hope that you both can resolve this issue. By the way, you look terriffic

Hello all,
Guess what? I was finally approved to have my tummy done! I wanted everything done but this is a good start! Please keep me in your prayers and wish me luck. My surgery date is march 5th. I am anxious, excited and scared all in one. Thanks for your kind words and advice. I will keep you posted as often as I can.
Thanks again!!
[email protected]