Soft Foods
hi everyone. I have only posted on this board once before but the responses were awesome. I posted on the main forum in hopes of getting a variety of answers. Yet I find that board to be very clicky and non-responsive as much as I thought it would be... So here is my question for my fellow new yorkers
What did you eat on your soft food diet?? I am moving up on Monday and need some suggestions. HEre is a list that I can eat now. Is it still the same with just a different title??\
Cottage cheese
pureed chicken/turkey
mashed potatos
ricotta cheese
Any suggestions for good recipes?? Thanks a bunch... Happy Holidays!!

Can you have yogurt? I like Breyers Light (pick out or chew extremely well the fruit bits). It's made with aspartame, but it's delicious. I also enjoy Dannon Light n Fit, made with Splenda. There are many other brands that I enjoy, but those are just two of the most frequented brands! Man, I loved cream of mushroom, chunks out, of course. I mixed it with mashed potatoes and went to town!!! YUM! Let's see, what else? No Sugar Added applesauce. No joke, it is awesome!! I can't think of anything else, but I'm sure I will later. Hey, good luck, Trace!
Jen Halliday

Tavia V
on 12/16/06 10:32 pm - Long Island, NY
on 12/16/06 10:32 pm - Long Island, NY
Have you tried sauce w/ricotta cheese heated up or ricotta w/cinammon and splenda? They are both yummy and go down well. Good luck!
My favorite was the noodless lasagna...
lowfat ricotta cheese, lo fat mozerellla cheese, tad bit of red sauce
and love it.
i also enjoyed eating out and having taco bell pintos and cheese, just not sure thats a good idea right now with all the e coli scare going around. LAST thing a recovering bypass patient needs.
I don't think anyone mentioned peanut butter. It's high in protein. One tablespoon is good. I also at at 2 weeks about and chewed very well turkey from healthy choice. It has water added. I also did alot of protein shakes and now I'm sick of it! In the fourth week I am able to eat steamed chicked and broccoli (very soft broccoli) from the chinese restaurant for dinner. The chicken is moist. I get the garlic sauce on the side and mix it with a teaspoon of it. It has starch in it so watch you don't use too much.
Most of my diet for lunch has been whole wheat toast (very toasted), turkey and cheese stick for snack.