Beth Blinn update
This is a copy of the note I received from Beth Blinn's Mom about her
Beth is doing much better. She did need a second surgery. She
had bled and the blood clotted in her intestines causing her old stomach to
blow up like a balloon. She now has a tube running from her old stomach
to the outside of her body. She had a blood transfusion yesterday and may
need one again today. The doctor hopes not to have to give her another.
She is still in intensive care but that is okay. She gets much better
care there. The nurse in the ICU is sending a complaint regarding the Xray
tech that was so inappropriate with Beth. Thank you for stopping over and
feel free to stop again. She will be there 5-7 days. She is on the mend. THANK
Feel free to let others know that might be interested how she is
doing. The more prayers the better.
Beth's Mom Rose