Yes I'm alive...just having an issue
Hi All,
First: The Holiday party thrown by LisaMarie was great! It was nice nice to finally meet a bunch of you. I have pictures I'll try to post this weekend....better late than never.
Second: I'm having problems with my bowel motility (may be TMI for some, so those of you should leave now.
The day after the Holiday party, I was in the ER for 8 hours with horrible stomach pains. It seems that I wasn't "going" regularly and it was excruciating. The did an abdominal CAT scan and found no mechanical bowel obstruction. The good thing was that the crap (and I mean crap) that I had to drink for the scan gave me the runs and finally the pain was lifted. Prior to that, they were giving me morphine and it did zero.
I was then sent home with an order to take Miralax every day, with Senocot. I did that....still NOTHING.
Yesterday I was my surgeon. I'm now on Zelnorm. The PA said (to herself but loud enough for me to hear) "Gee I hope you're not going to have longterm motility problems". So now I have to call them Weds. and let them know if the Zelnorm works. If not, they will send me to a Gastro. Fun, fun, fun.
All I can say is that the "lack of going" even with all that added fiber medicine (prescription strength) is the most awful, painful, uncomfortable feeling imaginable.
Ok I am done venting. I have missed everyone...but when I get home from work I am just too uncomfortable to sit at the computer. I hope the Zelnorm works.
Has anyone else had a situation like this?
Hugs to everyone!!!
PS: Cynthia, Lisa, Maryellen, LisaMaria, Stacey and Tavia...It was great meeting you!!

I'm so sorry to hear that you're suffering from bowel motility problems. It sounds like your surgeon is keeping a very close eye on you though. That's good to know. I have not had this problem personally, but and I'm quite sure you're doing this already, are you getting enough water and exercise? That can only help.
Please keep us updated on your situation. Hopefully, this will all be behind you in no time.
Tavia V
on 12/16/06 9:44 pm - Long Island, NY
on 12/16/06 9:44 pm - Long Island, NY
I have something called roux stasis syndrome in which the roux limb doesnt push the food down and it seems to be an on going, long term motility problem for me.(trust me if you have this problem you know it) B/c it's a functional problem vs. a mechanical there was no way to tell if it will ever go away 100%. Its rare but does happen and there is no way to tell who or why it happens.
It is a really horrible way to live but we are all trying to get me as close to 100% as possible! I also have something called pelvic floor dysfunction and its why I can't go number two hardly. My intestines have become unfunctional and created stasis. I never had any of these problems before I have my initial WLS surgery. Trust me if you have these type of problems, you know it!
Do you have problems(nausea, getting stuck, vomitting) eating/drinking or is it just the pooping part? All Miralax does it push water into your stool to make it easier to pass, it doesnt help w/motility. The Zelnorm should help with the pooping, just make sure you take it on an empty stomach.
They should have you try Reglan which helps w/gastric emptying. Anitdepressants (SSRI like lexapro) also help( not b/c you are crazy and making things up) but b/c the neurotransmitter, serotonin, is what helps function the GI tract.
If all these fails there is an antibiotic called, erythromycin, (which I am taking now), to help empty the bowels. The only things about this is the side effects of taking an antibiotic for a long time, in which I am dealing with now.
If you do indeed have a GI functional/motlity problem it can be seen on an barium upper GI swallow w/small bowel follow through and a gastric empty scan, sitzmark study, where you swallow this radioactive pill and they take x-rays over a few days to see the transit time of the pill. Your surgeon should first make sure they rule out that you have having a mechanical problem which might include a exp. surgery(but I think that choice would be yours to make) b/c sometimes ct-scans dont catch small growing internal hernias, twists and kinks.
Good luck to you and email me if you need anymore help! Be well!

Hi Tavia,
I have issues with Nausea bigtime. Even more than things getting stuck. I didn't even think that was related to the pooping part...thanks for your info.
Also...I googled that Pelvic Floor Dysfunction...OMG! I have Interstitial Cystitis; I was diagnosed with that 15 years ago. Now I'm wondering if it's related and if the surgery "re-ignited" that.
Did you take the Zelnorm once or twice a day?
Tavia...I feel for you. I can't imagine what you have been through. For me, this lack of ability to poop is ruining my life. I feel constant that I put it all together, I get nausea as well. I assumed it was the food so I crossed it off my list. But I just had oatmeal and 1/2way through i got nausea....which seems to linger for a good hour *IF* it stays down.
Sorry for my disjointed rambling... I'll keep you posted. Do you go to a Gastro for your problem, or just your surgeon?

Tavia V
on 12/17/06 7:01 am - Long Island, NY
on 12/17/06 7:01 am - Long Island, NY
I do zelnorm twice daily. Miralax (one capful) three times daily. Reglan once a day(I have a bad reaction to it if I take more than that), and the erythromycin 4x day. This has been the killer for me, it makes me feel crappy. I take so many pills just to make everything move very slowly for me!
I see my surgeon(who's my buddy now-patheic by the way) and the GI doctor. I have been to a couple of GI doctors before my surgeon gave me the name of the one I see now. The two I saw before were just too ignorant and arrogant for my taste. You would never believe me even if I told you the crap that was said to me my some of these doctors...but nevermind that. My surgeon knows my personality so he paired me up with this new one nicely.
I would go see a GI doctor as well as just the surgeon. Surgeries should be the last resort in fixing any type of problem anyway. Good luck!

Hello, hopefully it is just constipation and once fixed and kept regular no further issues. YES CONSTIPATION is a big thing for many rnyers. It isnt all abou****er or exercise although they can help... Here is the info I post on what helped me.. (MIralx did help but caused sever bloating for me so i use rarely)...Flax seed 1 T three times day, 2 colace are what helps me most (ND 16 CUPS WATER MOST DAYS)...
(Ops sorry cap lock was on! I wanst yelling)
Constipation can be from so many things including BUT not limited to:
~1) FLUIDS: simply from not getting in enough fluids...
So first before you do anything ask yourself? Am I drinking at least 64 oz a day (8 cups)...If not try increasing and see if this helps. Look at this neat hydration calculator! It may open your eyes! It says I need 117.5 oz day (I do get that too still not enough for me!)
~2) EXERCISE: Get moving! I do 30-60 min cardio a day + wts. Yes it helps! Start somewhere! Something is better than nothing!
~3) FIBER: We get constipated because our diet is now volume in general & lower in fiber especially due to lack of tolerance also (less fruits and veggies).
So many try increasing fiber by using benefiber (non swelling/no taste) or some like liquifiber at Vitalady: I have used Metamucil caps in past but I DO NOT RECOMMEND it is a SWELLING FIBER & may NOT be good for pouchie! ***We do not want to stretch it!!!
I swear by Flax Seed ground. I get mine here:
I started with 1T ground a day (in yogurt, shakes or on my salad it has slightly nutty flavor) now I am up to 1T three times a day. The benefits of flax are so much more than just for fiber!!! Read for more info! (A lower risk for heart disease, Prevention of some forms of cancer, Treatment of immune disorders, Diabetes helps in stabilizing Blood Sugars, Relief from constipation) You can also buy it in GNC, health food stores, Wal-Mart has it in vitamin aisle and baking aisle. KEEP refrigerated for longest shelf life and so it doesn't go rancid! It has to be ground (bought that way or ground in Magic Bullet or a small coffee grinder for the benefit ok!)
~4) OTHER NUTRITIONAL/SUPPLIMENT CAUSES: Higher protein (in diet and shakes), Calcium Citrate (form we need to absorb after bypass), Iron supplementation can all add to the constipation scenario postop (things we need!).
Different forms of Iron are more constipating than others (Ferrous sulfate for instance AVOID!!! Many feel carbonyl iron like vitalady's tender iron , ferrous gluconate *I get OTC at Wal-Mart just ask pharmacist, ferrous fumarate, polysaccharide iron are less constipating).
Another solution Magnesium: HERE IS JULIA Z's recommendation: Magnesium as magnesium citrate or amino acid chelate 400-1000 mg a day. OK to take with calcium but not with iron. Can be taken all at once or throughout the day. Start out with 200 mg and increase dosage every few days until the desired level is reached; decrease dosage slightly if loose stools result. Preferred dosage is 1 part elemental magnesium to 2 parts elemental calcium or 1000 mg magnesium to 2000 mg calcium, but this ratio is not accurate for each person. Increasing the dosage until you get loose stool and than backing off a little seems to work best for most people.
IF still NO GO: my surgeon recommended Colace. It is an over-the-counter stool softener. Try it once a day and increase to 2-3x if needed. (It is cheap too, buy the generic brand, docusate sodium)...
If this is ineffective, my surgeon said I could use a gentle suppository (such as glycerin, ducolax or the generic form)....only to get things going, they can get habit forming so be careful. It is always best to ask your surgeon or MD about his but this is what I have been told. I use Colace 2x a day, it does help (with my flaxseed)
I also have used Milk OF Magnesia a few times week if needed.
My Clinical Nutrition/Bariatric MD prescribed Miralax (generic is glycolax) works great also (I used a few times in severe cases w/ some bloating but no taste!, it is a powder mixes in water great!) They say can be used long-term! (BUT I am cheap rather find a non prescription way!)
Many swear by Smooth move tea, it is just senna in a tea (you can buy senna tabs OTC also called SENOKOT Tablets: Each tablet contains 8.6 mg sennosides.). Or ingredient in: PERI-COLACE® TABLETS (Purdue Products)
docusate sodium and standardized senna concentrate (so is a stool softener and laxative in one!) BY: Traditional Medicines in Health food, Wal-Mart of many health food aisles of grocery stores!
Contents: Active Ingredient: 20mg. Sennosides A & B per cup from senna leaf. Other herbal ingredients: Licorice root, fennel seed, orange peel, cinnamon bark, coriander seed, ginger rhizome, natural orange flavor. Directions for use: Pour 8 oz. of boiling water over one tea bag and steep, covered, for 10-15 minutes. Adults and children over 12 years: Drink 1 cup before bedtime. If necessary, repeat the next day not to exceed 4 cups in 24 hours.
A few prunes (3) also have helped me in a pinch...few times a week (watch cal/carbs)...Some gain w/ carbs/sugar or get triggered hunger! It has been ok w/ me as it is seen as medicine and used accordingly!
Just my thoughts/ideas! I do Exercise/Water/Colace 2 day/Flaxseed 3T total a day and it generally is ok, only needing MOM 1x week or 3 prunes 1-2x week! J
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"